/r/AccidentalRenaissance moderators have all resigned. The subreddit has permanently shut down and moved to Lemmy.

Lee Duna@lemmy.nz to Reddit@lemmy.world – 4241 points –

AccidentalRenaissance has no active moderators due to Reddit's unprecedented API changes, and has thus been privated to prevent vandalism.

Resignation letters:

Openminded_Skeptic - https://imgur.com/a/WwzQcac

VoltasPistol - https://imgur.com/a/lnHSM4n

We welcome you to join us in our new homes:



Thank you for all your support!

Original post from r/ModCoord


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But are these actually the same communities?

Or do they count as separate ones on separate instances which uses created with that instance specific account?

I think they're 2 spearate communities? Which does confuse things.

Although the link worked on Connect for the Lemmy one so that's what I'll be using anywau

You mean for this specific case? Yes, they’re two separate communities which is why it was disadvantageous to create a community on both kbin and Lemmy—if they made just one, that one community could share subscribers and comments and such from all Lemmy instances (that aren’t defederated) as well as kbin. They didn’t need to make separate accidentalrenaissance communities but they did.

I’m not a fan of the e-mail analogy overall, but here it works. It’s like they created a gmail account and an aol account, thinking only gmail accounts could email each other and only aol accounts could email each other. But really, if they made only a gmail account then both gmail and aol would be able to communicate easily.

Maybe they went ahead and grabbed both, one will eventually become more popular and the popular one will stay running while they just have the other one directing people to the popular one.

Mods can set a community so only mods can post in it. They can make that change and leave a message redirecting everyone to the other community to consolidate it.

One mod team working on two communities. We may consolidate to one or the other at a later date.

We were honestly afraid that either Lemmy or Kbin would self-destruct so we wanted to have one to fall back on and we weren't happy with how either handled images.