Biden says it’s ‘time to outlaw’ AR-15 after Trump assassination attempt to politics – 649 points –
Biden says it’s ‘time to outlaw’ AR-15 after Trump assassination attempt

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Yes, this is the exact intention of the second amendment. Armed resistance against tyrannical government. If the rise of fascism in America isn’t the time to use it, it’s meaningless.

The founding fathers envisioned state militias that would rival the power of the federal army and keep it in check. That ship has sailed, so it already lost a lot of its bite, but any power it still has can only be justified for that purpose

in b4 /pol mods delete this for "inciting violence".

Yes, this is the exact intention of the second amendment. Armed resistance against tyrannical government

Nope. Judging by how they used militias at the time, they meant it for defending the federal government against both invasions and rebellions. The "defense against tyranny" reason is just an invention of people trying to justify their guns.

The founding fathers envisioned state militias that would rival the power of the federal army and keep it in check

Nope. There WAS no federal army at the time. They used militias IN STEAD OF a standing army, not as a check on an existing one. Which of course invalidates the entire amendment now that the country has the biggest and most advanced military in the history of humanity.

All of that being said, I consider assassination of a tyrant you can't rid the people of in any other way the only form of murder that's acceptable as it serves the common good.

Putin is one such tyrant, Orban probably is, and Donald Trump DEFINITELY is. The world would have been a much better place if Crooks had been a better shot.

I mean, that's the exact opposite of what the federalist papers said. We don't have to speculate what the founders intended, they wrote it down. But don't take my word for it. Let's ask Alexander Hamilton from federalist 29

If circumstances should at any time oblige the government to form an army of any magnitude that army can never be formidable to the liberties of the people while there is a large body of citizens, little, if at all, inferior to them in discipline and the use of arms, who stand ready to defend their own rights and those of their fellow-citizens. This appears to me the only substitute that can be devised for a standing army, and the best possible security against it, if it should exist.

I mean, that's the exact opposite of what the federalist papers said

The Federalist Papers were a bunch of editorials, not laws. The amendment itself clearly says that it's for the security of the nation and doesn't mention tyranny at all.

Alexander Hamilton's opinion on standing armies is not the second amendment.

It's a bunch of editorials, written by the same people who wrote the constitution, explaining their thought process and exactly what they intended when writing the constitution.

I do admire your gumption, pretending to know the rationale behind the 2nd amendment better than Alexander fucking Hamilton.

Fun fact: sometimes the founding fathers didn't agree on everything.

The section of his editorial you quote doesn't say that it's the rationale behind the second amendment. It doesn't mention it OR tyranny.

The amendment, which specifically spells out the reason before the conclusion does NOT reference standing armies or tyranny.

You're just assuming connections that aren't there and then accusing ME of pretending to be a mind reader 🤦

The section of his editorial you quote doesn't say that it's the rationale behind the second amendment. It doesn't mention it OR tyranny.

The entirety of federalist 29 is about the second amendment. I think it's safe to assume the paragraph I quoted from federalist 29 also is.

You're just assuming connections that aren't there and then accusing ME of pretending to be a mind reader 🤦

Calling militias "the best possible defense" against a standing federal army seems pretty cut and dry. No mind reading necessary, just regular reading.

The entirety of federalist 29 is about the second amendment. I think it's safe to assume the paragraph I quoted from federalist 29 also is.

Suuure it is 🙄

Calling militias "the best possible defense" against a standing federal army seems pretty cut and dry.

Except that's not what the amendment itself says. That's Alexander Hamilton's opinion, NOT the rationale that was agreed on when drafting the text

No mind reading necessary, just regular reading.

And a bit of imagination to make the unconnected pieces fit together to mean what you want them to mean.

You're acting no better than the libertarian nutjobs who insist that taxation is theft and also unconstitutional.

If my choices are the opinion of one of the guys who wrote the amendment vs the opinion of some teenager on Lemmy, I'm gonna have to go with the former

the opinion of one of the guys who wrote the amendment ≠ the amendment OR the reason for the amendment, which explicitly mentions the ACTUAL reason.

That shouldn't be so difficult a concept to grasp.

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