Jack Black axes tour over bandmate's Trump comment

Omega@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 280 points –
Jack Black cancels Tenacious D tour after Kyle Gass's comments about Donald Trump

Jack Black has said he’s cancelled the rest of the Tenacious D world tour after his bandmate Kyle Gass sparked an outcry with a comment about the assassination attempt on Donald Trump.

The comedy rock group were on stage in Sydney, Australia, on Sunday when Gass was asked to make a wish after being presented with a cake for his 64th birthday.

He appeared to reply: "Don’t miss Trump next time."

Gass also split with his agent following the incident.


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I guess trump is the only one allowed to make disrespectful comments about other people that almost die and it is just ok.

No, it's not okay. Two wrongs don't make a right. Criticizing the language Trump uses but then praising Kyle would be hypocrisy.

I don't think he's saying either are okay, just pointing out the double standard. That's how I read it anyway.

Who the FUCK is downvoting this

Dragging the whole US down into a landscape where political assassination is acceptable is exactly the right’s goal. As soon as it’s normalized even a little bit, that little tail which currently has a handful of right-wing nuts with pipe bombs and hammers who is actually acting on it is gonna grow to encompass a huge, MASSIVE number of Facebook uncles

And then I can guarantee that all the people who are celebrating this will no longer be celebrating


Politicians should be terrified of the monstrous political movement they've created and/or worked alongside.

If they didn't want to fear for their lives, then they should have worked for the benefit of the people rather than the shareholders.

Your idea that the violence will wind up mainly directed against anyone other than the politicians working for good outcomes, and vulnerable ordinary people both in and out of the US, is unfounded.

I mean it already has? It just happened?? How is it unfounded?

Random political violence by the right just happened

The idea that that can be consistently relied upon to aim also at the right, and productive of some useful political output in terms of justice for working people, is what I am saying is unfounded

That seems to be your idea, I don't recall suggesting anything like that.

I feel like this is one of those “output only, no input” conversations

I am suggesting that the people who will be “terrified” and “fear for their lives” will be working people trying to organize a better future, and politicians (such of them that even exist) that are aligned with working people. And that the people working on behalf of the shareholders will be A-ok, mostly speaking, because they’ll be the ones whose followers are doing most of the politician-shooting, and have plenty of money to organize good security for themselves.

You can read “How Democracies Die” or “On Tyranny” for a lot more in depth characterization of how it often plays out historically speaking. I get what you’re saying but I think it is a comically rosy picture of how violent revolutions against oppressive political movements turn out in reality.

So you don't think it's ok for trump to make disrespectful comments about other people that almost die? Hmmmm

So you have no reading comprehension? Hmmmm

Bet you can't explain to me how I'm wrong about his comment lol

Explain to me how he didnt imply that it's not ok for trump to do it.

Or maybe you're the one with terrible reading comprehension?

The comment is criticizing the fact that Trump can seemingly say and do whatever he wants and gets away with it. While if anyone else does it they're called out on it.

So you think the implication of the original post was "everyone should be able to make disrespectful comments about people that almost die and it's ok"?

Or is the implication "it's not ok for people to make disrespectful comments about people that almost die"?

This isn't complicated, those are the only two interpretations of the original comment. Only one of them is a realistic interpretation, and it - along with a lot of comments in this thread - are overtly hypocritical.

Don't think I'll win over you or the hypocrite-hivemind, and I don't particularly care. Later.

Cool overdramatic story, bro

Uhhh what lol

Explaining how reading works = overdramatic

Is English your native language?

Look man, you're obviously trying way too hard to argue with someone. It's not going to be with me, I couldn't care less what you think.

Brush up on your English lessons and chill the fuck out.

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It’s clearly not yours.

The "NUH UH, YOU!1!" response is exactly what I'd expect from someone with such a tenuous grasp on the English language

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