Valve runs its massive PC gaming ecosystem with only about 350 employees

Beaver [she/her] to – 725 points –
Valve runs its massive PC gaming ecosystem with only about 350 employees

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Why would Valve produce their own GPU’s?

My point being that while valve itself has only 350 employees, it subcontracts far more than that.

that's really silly to argument. only a few manufactures in the world even have the capabilities to produce GPUs and CPUs. even China doesn't have the fabrication capabilities with current generation. So of course, Valve is going to purchase GPUs from a 3rd party unless you expect them to spend tens of billions of dollars to start their own silicon fabrication...but oh wait, now they have to purchase silicon, so they'll start their own silicon mine... but now they need they start their own truck manufacture...

Do you expect them to become Samsung?

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