North Korean Envoy 'Drowned' in Moscow Pond: Reports to World – 405 points –
North Korean envoy 'drowned' in Moscow pond: Reports

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Putin stated he preferred Biden.

Netanyahu stated he prefers Trump.

Flip it around and find the truth.

Remind me which country was it that was running election interference for trump?

Of those two it's not the country that has a lobby which spent far more on lobbying for Biden than for Trump.

Every word uttered by a conservative is deception or manipulation. Every word.

Every statement made by a conservative should be disregarded as a statement made in bad faith.

Why would you even say that? You honestly believe that or are you a dnc bot? People like you are why politics is so toxic.

Putin stated he preferred Biden.

US intelligence assessments found Russia tried to influence campaigns to help Trump win in 2016, and again in failed 2020 race against Joe Biden.

you better believe we have plenty of proof it's also happening right fucking now, oh but that doesn't matter cuz pOoTiN sAiD hE wAnTeD bIdEn!!!! Yes he prefers the man that wants nothing to do with him instead of the man that wants everything to do with him to the point of destroying NATO and handing over ukraine. He's been spending resources on helping Trump for years now but definitely wants Biden to win, yep.

Fucking unbelievable how foolish people are. It's a wonder you manage to even draw breath.

You clearly did not even try to understand my comment.

It is a reference to which foreign Fascist supports which party and how their statements are the opposite of what they say out loud.

US election 2024: Putin says he prefers Joe Biden over Donald Trump in the White House

Democrats appear are fully convinced that Netanyahu favors Trump over Biden. But they ignore the fact that israel supported Bidens campaign far more than Trumps campaign.

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