Steam Is Run By Fewer Than 80 Staff, Lawsuit Docs Reveal to – 461 points –
Steam Is Run By Fewer Than 80 Staff, Lawsuit Docs Reveal

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The only reason you don't see the price as a pain point is that you refuse to see that about 50% of that goes to companies that make billions in profit while people like you and me can't afford rent.

Valve is not your landlord. They made a good place to buy video games. And come on, now; it's 30% at most to Valve (which is less than brick and mortar before it) and then some more to the government.

30% for Valve, another 10 to 20% for the publisher...

Guess where the billionaires work?

There isn't always a publisher. Sometimes the publisher owns them outright, and the devs will only see a salary in either case. There are only a handful of publishers that are worth more than a billion dollars and therefore run by billionaires, and they account for very few game releases in a given year on Steam these days. There's a lot of nuance to this. And quite frankly, if a game I want to play comes from a billionaire's company, I'm going to buy the game, they're going to get some of my money, and I won't feel bad about that.

Billionaires, multimillionaires, they're all part of the problem. Right now you're defending the people making you pay more for stuff than it's worth.

If you sold something for $10 that hundreds of thousands of people wanted enough to buy it, you'd be a multimillionaire too. The only way you fund a development team with a handful of people working there is with multiple millions of dollars.

Oh so Gabe's six yachts, that's for development purposes?

It's irrelevant, is what it is. When you make something a whole bunch of people want to pay money for, you get to buy yourself nice things. I find a yacht to be a pretty wasteful use of money, but when I handed over thousands of dollars for hundreds of Steam games, it's because we were both getting something good out of that transaction.

And you're doing that while your peers are starving.

Do you realize that you're the victim defending their abuser in this relationship? You'll never been one of them, wake the fuck up.

I'm not in an adversarial relationship with the people who sell me video games for fun. Every time you buy a video game from an indie dev on their own web site, that too is money you could have used to buy food for someone who's starving.

When I buy from an indie dev directly the money goes to the person accomplishing the work to make the product I'm buying, not a bunch of rich guys that have so much money they don't know what to do with it.

So what happens when that indie dev sells multiple millions of copies and has more money than they know what to do with? The game is just free for everyone else once it reaches a critical mass? Your definition is so arbitrary. Rich people get rich by selling things people want.

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If this was true, games would cost 18% less on EGS because they only take 12%. Shockingly enough, they cost the same.

Because the same games sell for more elsewhere (also, funnily enough, we're seeing tons of info on Valve because they're getting sued for including a non compete clause in their contract to prevent games from being sold for less elsewhere), that's an issue for the market as a whole and doesn't apply to video games only. You're paying too much for your food, for your gas, for your housing, for your clothes, for every fucking thing!

Profit shares for distributors will need to be regulated and wealth tax will need to be applied.

This is completely incorrect. Their contract states that you can't sell Steam keys for less elsewhere, which is entirely fair in my opinion. If your game is on multiple platforms or storefronts, you can sell it for whatever price you want there. The fact is that nobody does; they list it for the same everywhere and pocket the difference if someone buys on EGS.

Show us price comparisons between storefronts. Prove what you're saying. Full retail price, not sales prices.

That's my fucking point, the whole distribution chain needs to be regulated to stop distributors pocketing so much of our money when they're accomplishing barely any of the actual work. It's not a Valve problem, it's a capitalism problem!

So you think grocery chains are making record profit every year without it impacting your wallet or something?

Still waiting on those price comparisons.

Kinda impossible to do price comparisons when the whole is system is rigged, right?

If you're an idiot, sure

Alright then, can you do math?

Valve gets a 30% cut, take a game, reduce that cut to 10% and figure out the price. Price stays the same? Alright, that just means more money going to the devs, which are the people like you and me, instead of Gabe, which is a billionaire.

Apply that in all sectors and we end up richer, billionaires end up poorer. The 1% would finally stop owning 63% of all wealth... But I guess you would rather defend their right to make as much profit as they want while you can only afford a 10$ game every six months.

Still waiting for the price comparisons

Ok, so you can't do basic calculations then, the education system truly failed you, no wonder you complain that you're poor but can't understand who made you so.

Have a good life!

What calculations? Lmao.
You refuse to prove what you're saying. Show us how every online storefront has different full sale pricing for the same games.

There are no calculations needed. You simple look at the price for the same games on different stores. But you're somehow unable to do that?

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