Kamala Harris Holds Emergency Call With Dem Donors

return2ozma@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 247 points –
Kamala Harris Holds Emergency Call With Dem Donors

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"We realized the reason voters want Biden to step down is because Harris is his running mate. So we replaced her with the only Democrat in existence less popular than Biden, and the only person in existence to have lost to the Toupee in an election: Hillary Clinton. It's her turn." - Dem leadership.

God that whole rhetoric pissed me off to no end, when they shoved Bernie aside because it was ‘her turn’. The level of arrogance needed to even think that, let alone push it as an argument on voters…

While I’m certainly not downplaying her actual political credits - she has experience in all levels of government - the presidency is not an ‘it’s my turn now’ position. That soured a lot of voters on her as a candidate.

‘It’s my turn’ is only an argument if you’re waiting in line at Disneyland.

Was the saying "it's her turn" always referring specifically to Hillary? I always processed "it's her turn" to just refer to a woman president in general, and giving the environment, that just happened to be Hillary. Still not MUCH better, but at least we're saying it's a collectives turn, not a single individual person.

Edit: literally just asking a simple question and posing a rhetorical in response to my memories around the event. Not trying to start anything.

Thank you for the information. I didn't remember it being specifically tied to her, with it being 8 years ago and all hahah

A lot has certainly happened since then, if nothing else. It's not like her campaign was very smartly done on almost any level. It sucks, because the end result could have been so much better than what you got instead.

Technically, she got more votes (edit due to being unclear: than Trump, in 2016). And not by a little, nearly 3 million people more voted for her over orange anti-republic anti-democracy man. But the voting system is unrepresentative, so it didn’t matter.

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