Democrats immediately start calling Trump too old to politics – 1208 points –
Democrats immediately start calling Trump too old

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Unless the democrats fuck up and pick someone over 70, it's a good win for them on this point.

I think everyone who had their name pushed and could have a chance at the convention has already endorsed Kamala Harris. They're pretty obviously trying to avoid a contentious convention.

That seems to be the goal. I think it's a good idea to not go too hard on Harris until the convention, but the excitement seems there.

Yeah it's a point they're allowed to make now, don't know how well it's really going to stick though. However so far the best republicans have against Kamala is that she... Laughs? That's a good sign. Like a lot of the stuff people like me on the left have against Kamala is stuff republicans wouldn't want to at her for.

I still really want AOC but with Whitmer bowing out I think Buttigiege is probably it.

Harris is a black woman. No way they're picking a gay man as her running mate. They're worried she has too much for the (X)phobic crowd on her own. I would be absolutely shocked if whoever they pick as her VP isn't a straight white man. You can say what you like about it but that's the reality of where we are as a nation.

The kind of people who would not vote for Harris because she's a Black woman were already going to vote for Trump.

There are absolutely people who are not concerned enough with race or gender to vote for a black woman but are still homophobic. Who knows how many people that is but I would bet a lot of money that the DNC has no intention of finding out.

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