Apple Foldable iPhone Launch Faces Delay Until 2026, Faces Design Roadblocks to – 145 points –
Apple Foldable iPhone Launch Faces Delay Until 2026, Faces Design Roadblocks

Apple's rumoured foldable iPhone (possibly iPhone Flip) might launch in 2026, but display crease, and design are roadblocks.


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Okay so since we're going back to flip phones, can we just get a frickin phone with a button keyboard again??

God yes.

I was looking at phones yesterday and thinking: do they make an actual, premium flip phone with keyboard a la the old Motorola Razr? It appears nobody does. All I could find were cheap shitty Chinese plasticky trash or phones made for the elderly.

I want something with a nice metal/titanium case, premium keyboard, decent oled screen, 10+ megapixel camera on it… and something that I can snap shut like it owes me money. Don’t make it too small; I want a week’s battery life at least and swappable battery.

And I would - and I’m not joking here - pay 600-800 euros for that, depending on how premium the experience is.

I think there’s absolutely a market for that.

A weeks battery is insane, 7-10 times as big as the average battery now.

Back in the ‘sweet spot’ of cellphone use, the late ‘90’s, you could get several days of use out of a battery. Some only needed a weekly charge. I also don’t need or want a flip phone to do everything that a smartphone does.

I’m a big proponent of making phones bigger with bigger batteries. I’ve got huge hands and most phones feel dainty and fragile. Give me a house brick with a week long battery and I’d be perfectly happy. Making phones slimmer is just silly.

I don't mind phones being chonky, I mind them being large in other dimensions. I have small hands and my Pixel 7a is on the edge of what I can use comfortably with one hand.

I get about a weeks battery out of my Punkt, but I don't use it for much besides the occasional text or call. I suspect if I used it more I'd wager I'd get 4 days out of it.

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