YouTube tests server-side ads to make your coveted blocker obsolete to – 691 points –
YouTube tests server-side ads to make your coveted blocker obsolete

YouTube has been spotted testing server-side ads, which could pose a problem to ad blockers.


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I give it 5 hours from mass release before ad blockers catch up.

A bit longer if they play their cards right. If we have to move to a detect, buffer and skip model, it'll be quite a while.

There are already addons to skip in-stream adds for when people do those sponsor segments. It just crowd sources the most consistently skipped parts and does it automatically.

Timing and length of ads won't be consistent between users so this approach doesn't work.

Depends how wide the range of ads is, if its a set amount/month then you could use the same method to pretty quickly identify which segments of data are ads and automatically cut them out wherever they occur.

Sponsor block works so well because the content to skip is exactly in the same place for everyone's video.

They don't have that kind of limitation.

Sb also requires you to initiate a fast forward during a commercial. They could ignore that command while commercials are running.

At that point we need to store the buffer as it's coming in. Detect the commercials based on sound or scene changes.

Since they do have a limited number of of commercials, if we did the crowd effort to identify and catalog /fingerprint commercials we may be able to do a more accurate method for detection and skip. At least until they are modifying the commercials with AI to avoid detection.

If you're referring to sponsorblock: no, those timings are manually submitted, not automatically generated by Skip time