Kamala Harris' approval rating surges as Donald Trump's falls

Rapidcreek@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 633 points –
Kamala Harris' approval rating surges as Donald Trump's falls

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Ah look another liar. Linkerbaan's turn to sleep eh?

Lay off them. I've interacted with them enough to know they're genuine and not an absurdist. They were always intending to vote for Biden, they just had their criticisms -- and as we see now, those criticisms proved to be quite good for us as a whole.

Hey you disagree with me. That means you support genocide! /s

I find that logic just as absurd as you do, and I think people who branded Biden voters as genocide lovers were utter idiots. Do I like how things are going in Gaza? No. But did I still support Biden? Completely. That was the only candidate who would prevent things from getting worse and save some lives vs if Trump is elected instead.

I hope this establishes that I'm in agreement with you on a lot of our mindset. What I'm saying here is that Ensign Crab is not one of those people who says this either. You're projecting Linker onto them. Ensign is critical of Democrats, but they were never as insane as Linker or "oh you must love children dying since you support Biden". They've been very up front that they were going to vote Dem.

There's no need to fight with them. We're on the same team. You're both decent people. Let's celebrate another voter coming to Harris, and move on.

I wish I could agree with you but right here is what prompted the argument: "I know she's not your first choice, but Netanyahu can't run."

To me that's just a little more obtuse way of saying the same.

Remember to vote blue no matter who. I'm glad Biden stepped down and we have a candidate who can win now.

I very much doubt you are.

This is exactly what all of us should be thinking. Regardless of what you thought of Biden's earlier prospects, it's clear that Harris is far stronger. We needed to vote Democrat to stop fascism. Having a stronger candidate now is fantastic.

You noted something interesting and concerning earlier -- Harris has at least one vote now that she didn't before, but the reception to that has been icy. People should be happy about this, not pissed. I don't agree with them not voting for Biden, but I'm thrilled they want to vote for Harris and join the coalition.

A lot of these people here remind me of performative leftists, but this time, as moderates. They should be happy that Democrats have another vote. Instead they're annoyed and bringing up grievances. It's performative, because they'd clearly rather get one up over Biden detractors than actually get more votes and see their supposed ideals achieved.

Anyway. I also wanted to say that I appreciate you. You've always been very clear that while you had misgivings with Biden, you were still going to vote for him because the stakes are high. I'm sorry you're getting dragged by idiots, and I hope you don't let it bother you. It's clear to me that you want Democrats to win so fascism doesn't take over, and so that we can actually pass some left wing policies. Thank you for that.

People who judge based on a single comment (and are radically wrong AF) aren't helpful to anyone who cares an ounce

Sorry. I shouldn't have judged you based on a single comment.

(We both know I wasn't, and was instead judging you based on your long history of vicious hostility towards anyone who wasn't 100% on board with Biden's genocide support, but sure. I'll entertain your bad faith bullshit yet again. Let's pretend I was judging you based on a single comment).

I should have asked instead of assuming. How happy are you that the octogenarian genocide supporter dropped out of the race in favor of a candidate who can actually win?

anyone who wasn't 100% on board with Biden's genocide support

Ah yes, a completely reasonable and good-faith attempt at discourse and in no way a bullshit attempt at smearing anyone who doesn't use the exact same rhetoric as yourself

It's not a smear. I'm accurately describing your attitude to people who oppose genocide.

Harris picked up a voter, so you're mad.

Wtf are you even talking about exactly? I'm glad she is the nominee, it improves our chances, and never once said anything slightly against Harris. The people with the most severe confirmation bias also tend to be extremists who label anyone not with their identical same opinion as a sociopath

I’m glad she is the nominee, it improves our chances, and never once said anything slightly against Harris.

So why are you so mad at someone who said they were going to vote for her?

I criticized the prick for being a prick and that was very obvious. Both that their intention was that and that I wished to point it out. Now tell me again about my love for genocide. Would you rate it as an eleven on a scale of one to ten, or a twelve?

Now tell me again about my love for genocide. Would you rate it as an eleven on a scale of one to ten, or a twelve?

So much that you were willing to support it even if it meant losing to Trump.

God DAMN, just look the fuck around you. Biden is out. Harris is surging in the polls. Democrats are excited to vote instead of resentful and apathetic. And you're calling them pricks because they like Harris more than Bidenyahu.

Wow so shocking you would misrepresent my views in such an absurd manner that no one would take you seriously

Nothing I said was inaccurate in the slightest.

Well let's see.

  • I'm a human, so there's a 99.999999% chance that genocide is something I find appalling, and as that's such a ridiculous accusation, my repeated sarcasm about it confirms that I'm not in that tiny tiny weird minority of sociopaths.
  • I have been repeatedly on Lemmy (and ITT) expressing that I think that replacing Biden with Harris was a good move.
  • Given that I've never expressed an iota of support for Netanyahu/Israel and I deny it when weirdo cavassers lie about it, there would be no valid basis for saying that repeatedly.

Anything else you want to intentionally lie accidentally get wrong about me? What accurate thing did you say again?

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Lemme guess what the ridiculous implication was here.. that I adore the fuck out of genocide, right? That I bathe in the blood of brown children? Or would you have worded it more hyperbolically?

That I bathe in the blood of brown children?

Ew. Keep your fantasies to yourself.

So you deny you're making a bizarre false accusation about me liking genocide then? Wait actually you just kinda admitted to that beyond-bullshit attack. Whoops

Harris picked up a vote that Biden wouldn't have got. You should examine why that bothers you so much.

You should examine why you want everyone who disagrees with you in any way to be bloodthirsty monster who loves genocide. You seem to forget that shit discredits you to most anyone who doesn't think identically to yourself

You should examine why you want everyone who disagrees with you in any way to be bloodthirsty monster who loves genocide.

How much does it piss you off that you can no longer call me a trumper for saying that genocide is wrong?

Maybe you could explain why your first reaction is always to accuse everyone of loving genocide? Maybe there's a non-terrible reason that you and a few others here can't say that line enough? Because the one explanation I have that makes sense is that you are engaged in a campaign designed to sway voters toward apathy. If it's not that, you're failing at whatever other goal you might have.

Maybe you could explain why your first reaction is always to accuse everyone of loving genocide? Maybe there’s a non-terrible reason that you and a few others here can’t say that line enough?

I hope one day you will understand that people can oppose genocide because it's genocide.

You wanted to stick with a genocide supporter who was losing to Trump. I'm glad the party treated your position with the disrespect it deserves.

You probably could've packed more incorrect readings of my views on here, but this was pretty successful at doing that. Not successful at having any basis whatsoever though.

You will always be just another "you love genocide" liar on Lemmy. I hope that's not how people irl know you

You probably could’ve packed more incorrect readings of my views on here

There is no more charitable reading of your views.

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