Cotton says Trump’s ‘you won’t have to vote anymore’ comment was him ‘obviously making a joke’ to politics – 216 points –

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Oh yeah, I’m sure he was “joking”. He also doesn’t know anything about project 2025, and he’s not really butt buddies with dictators like kim and pootin.

it's astounding how vigorously they fellate their bediapered leader muppet, who would throw them under the bus in a fraction of a second

He doesn’t even know they exist, they’re the little ants on the ground to him. Pathetic.

Creepy weirdos like Cotton imagine themselves the next in line for the throne of dictator.

He was joking when he literally tried to steal the 2020 election

Oh, that was just high school locker room pranks, you guys! Just like bragging about sexual assault and using the word "pussy" (oh, a naughty word! that was the real issue people had when he was admitting to sexual assault - phrasing) was "locker room talk". That insurrection? That was like snapping a towel in the shower...

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