North korean armoured vehicles sighted in Ukraine according to german news to World – 361 points –
Ukraine meldet Kampfpanzer aus Nordkorea an der Front

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Reported as "subject doesn't match headline", however since this case is a subject of translation and there may be variations in translation software, I'll allow it.

Happy cake day

Thanks! Can't believe it's been a year since reddit imploded! 15 years there, walked away, never looked back!

It was 13 for me. My cake day was a month ago. Goodbye to Reddit forever as far as I'm concerned. I didn't even get an IPO offer despite being a "power user," probably because I changed my profile to say "FUCK REDDIT!" and gave's URL.

I shut down every subreddit I modded permanently and was publicly screaming "fuck reddit" and "fuck spez" until the last minute.

Still got an IPO invite I ignored and even a mod meetup invite

Huh. I wonder why I didn't?

I don't really care since I wouldn't have taken up their stupid offer, but I'm curious now.

I assumed they sent it to everyone, even my old reddit account with only 2000 karma got it

And even if i wanted, being not a us resident i couldn't even actually get it

That's fucking weird, my reddit account wasn't quite a decade old and I got an offer, ninja edit to add "that I obviously did not accept"

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