Angela Carini abandons Olympic fight after 46 seconds against Imane Khelif

Praise to World – 86 points –
Angela Carini abandons Olympic fight after 46 seconds against Imane Khelif

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IMO there should be two categories:

  • one with the average testosterone content that most women have, but open to anyone that is eligible.
  • And free.

Current testosterone levels are not the only part of it that needs to be looked at. We as a species have sexual dimorphism. Sure it isn't to the same effect as some other animals such as many insects, but it is enough to make it unfair for a woman to compete against somebody who went through puberty as a male. Especially in combat sports.

but it is enough to make it unfair for a woman to compete against somebody who went through puberty as a male.

We have no idea if that is true about Khelif.

I swear. More people need to know about Swyer Syndrome.

Khelif may not have even known she had a Y chromosome until that test. She may have just thought she had very "masculine" features for a woman.

It’s irrelevant whether she knew or not. Once it is known, she needs to be moved to a different league/class.

So even though she might have been born with a vagina, one that essentially works like any biologically female vagina, you think she should be forced to fight men because she has a Y chromosome?

Are there any other times where people should be genetically tested and given something different to do if it turns out they have Swyer Syndrome?

Yes. Also, I don’t care about her vagina. That’s not the point. The point is that having a Y chromosome likely means her body has experienced heightened testosterone her whole life, which makes her much more physically capable than a normal woman whose body would not have experienced heightened testosterone levels. That basically means it’s unsafe for her more normal competitors to get in the ring against her, same as it would be to put her up against Hafthor Björnsson.

All Olympic athletes should be genetically tested for these things, so they can compete in the right class/heat/category.


Cool. Thanks for letting me know you don't belong here. We do not allow ableist bigotry.

This is clear cut mod abuse.

But I recognize you can run your community any way you like, I'm simply going to remove myself from all the communities you moderate.

I will not show you what they sent to me in PM to confirm it, but let me tell you that it involved saying that disabled people are, in fact, freaks.

Edit: their claim was that it was not disparaging, it was descriptive.

Pics or didn't happen

They're called private messages for a reason. But I will be happy to share them with any other moderator who asks.

Why does there need to be a global rule for all sports? Just let all the sports associates decide for themselves, case by case. It's not a big issue and doesn't deserve international news coverage.

Would you reconsider your rule when the champion of every single weight division in your "one with the average testosterone content that most women have, but open to anyone that is eligible" category is a mtf trans person?

I personally don't think it should be controversial to give people born as women some of their own spaces, especially when it simply comes down to a question of fairness.

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