'You're blowing it': Trump's fans beg him to change course as polls show GOP slipping

just_another_person@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 467 points –
'You're blowing it': Trump's fans beg him to change course as polls show GOP slipping

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Weirdest part is people being surprised...

They still don't get how much Joe was holding the party back. Anyone else would have seen these same gains

Sadly being good at governing doesn't mean being good at running in an election.

I was hoping that people could see trump presidency vs Biden presidency and see the difference, but it looks like that's not enough.

Having said that, I hope Kamala will be as good or even better than Biden in governing.

I was hoping that people could see trump presidency vs Biden presidency and see the difference, but it looks like that's not enough.

The masses unfortunately don't vote off platform, they vote off feelings.

It's almost impossible for her to be worse than Biden, so you're good.

I was hoping that people could see trump presidency vs Biden presidency and see the difference, but it looks like that’s not enough.

Correct, there wasn't enough of a difference between Biden and trump

I did not vote for Biden in 2020 primaries, but he positively surprised me. He actually does an excellent job at governing, but very poor at broadcasting his accomplishments. He managed to pass some progressive bills in such a partisan environment. Managed to unite West, reunite NATO and even expand it by additional 2 members who originally were neutral.

Recovered US from covid pandemic, with lowest inflation in the West. Avoided recession, the US economy has the lowest unemployment.

You're just repeating GOP disinformation without concrete examples.

He actually is on the road to be ranked as one of the best presidents.

He managed to pass some progressive bills in such a partisan environment.


Congress was able to pass some bills that were a little progressive.

Biden just signed them instead of vetoing, which is something literally every other person with a D by their name would do.

Biden was very vocal about how changing anyone in congress's mind on literally anything, so he doesn't get to take credit like some magical.puppet master who made it happen.

And the bounceback after COVID...

How much of that was an executive action Biden made happen?

I mean day one he signed several executive orders. He personally killed the keystone pipeline. I believe he was also personally responsible for us rejoining NATO and the Paris accords. He has done a lot of good work.

The only things I'm aware of that he has done poorly is his handling of Israel, and his inability to be uncivilized. He should've called trump and the rest of the Republicans out on their bullshit and publicly shamed them every step along the way.

He personally killed the keystone pipeline. I believe he was also personally responsible for us rejoining NATO and the Paris accords.

he's also personally blocking through tariffs truly affordable green energy products from entering this country; especially EV's and solar power using the inflation act; and has ramped up fossil fuel products to the highest levels this country has ever seen in its entire history.

As for your first point, I believe he created a tariff, he did not block imports. And can you provide a source for your second claim? I've not heard that statistic before.

Edit: and to be clear, yeah his tariff sucks ass but it might be good long term because it will help shift American production to greener products instead of just offloading that to green products made elsewhere and shipped here dirtily.

yeah his tariff sucks ass but it might be good long term because it will help shift American production to greener products instead of just offloading that to green products made elsewhere

that's not happening; detroit and silicon valley are not responding because daddy biden and kamala are giving them all the sugar they want and they'll continue to get it as evidenced by both obama and reagan's similar bailouts and continuing american subsidies through tax dollars; neither detroit nor silican valley have changed their tunes and have no plans to do so as they did in the past.

here's a source on the recent fossil fuel records

By offering to subsidize r&d into Green tech, as well as subsidize the development and deployment of that tech, the tech becomes more economically viable than fossil fuels, assuming you don't subsidize them. Companies will switch to the most economically feasible option, that's just how capitalism works. Biden doesn't have the ability to just outlaw fossil fuels, so the most he can do is push the economics towards Green tech.

And thanks for the source, it seems your claim is correct.

By offering to subsidize r&d into Green tech, as well as subsidize the development and deployment of that tech, the tech becomes more economically viable than fossil fuels, assuming you don’t subsidize them. Companies will switch to the most economically feasible option, that’s just how capitalism works. Biden doesn’t have the ability to just outlaw fossil fuels, so the most he can do is push the economics towards Green tech.

the subsidies i referenced have nothing to do with green tech and predate that push by decades.

I have to go to work and don't really have anything else to comment, so I'll leave by saying that I appreciated having a civil discussion with you. I'll also say that I'm noticing you are getting downvoted but no one else seems to be responding, which frustrates me. I get that it's easier to just downvoted opinions you don't agree with, but it's more productive to have civil conversations I feel.

the lemmyverse was created by leftists to be a safe space for leftists views, but lemmy.world doesn't tolerate leftists views well; it's the oddball of the lemmyverse and it's to be expected.

Boy you're still up the b b b Biden bad! stuff huh. He pushed for things from Congress and he got them through when he had the house of reps and Senate. Yes he does get credit.

True. Harris isn't even a particularly strong candidate. People just want anything except the two old codgers.

Weirdest part is people being surprised…

They still don’t get how much Joe was holding the party back. Anyone else would have seen these same gains

go back 3 weeks ago to see all the people outside lemmy.world trying to make everyone aware that biden was the wrong horse for this race and marvel at how it pissed everyone on lemmy.world off for saying so.

I remember. We were all essentially called secret Republicans. Guess all of the people causing Harris's polling to go up must all be secret Republicans as well because they sure didn't support Biden as hard.

There is a difference between the emotional masses that go off "energy" and the supposed logical leftists here that think they are the essence of logic and will logically not vote because they are logically waiting for the logical platform and blah blah blah.

emotional masses that go off “energy” and the supposed logical leftists here that think they are the essence of logic

You are calling most of the country bandwagoners and the left most people here self-righteous idiots. Everyone's at fault but the guy running? Now, it's time for the other ridiculous candidate to get his.

Most of "the left" on Lemmy has consistently demonstrated that they are self righteous idiots.

I guess some of them are actual propagandists. And some of them are children.

I wouldn't use any of those words. Most people go off "feel", that's not the same as bandwagon. But anyway it was mostly about the supposed logical leftists I see here that don't understand how to move the overton window.

Who said everyone's fault? (you seem to be extending that to literally everyone now.) What I had to do a ton of was telling people the way you progress and move the overton window is by voting Dems and making sure they don't lose. See what happened when Gore lost and when Hillary lost? Now where would things be if they had won? Surprise (not a surprise): further left. Nor was it Bidens "fault", he's been a great president and there's no blaming him like you seem to suggest.

I don't understand what you mean by "feel" then but I do apologize for putting words in your mouth. I watched some videos on the overton window effect but I could have a misconception of how it works.

Rights for LGBT and abortion have been put out there for a while. I can't see how Hilary who thought both of these sets of rights as state issues was going to help? How would Hilary move public opinion on these issues to the left? Is it because she would have picked more moderate judges? But at the same time, it seems this overton window idea says the politician is not the one shifting the window (the majority of the time).

You don't know what feel is? You think Hillary would have appointed judges that overturned Roe (that's what would have been necessary)? Hillary vs trump and you don't understand how things would have wound up more progressive over time with Hilary winning, when they went off the cliff to the right when trump won? Yeah I have a hard time thinking this is a good faith discussion.

You don’t know what feel is?

Do you mean they felt other people lose interest in Biden and felt pressured to move on as well. I think people had to have some resentment towards him to get to this point anyways.

How would Hilary move public opinion on these issues to the left? Is it because she would have picked more moderate judges?

I did mention the more moderate judges.

Yeah I have a hard time thinking this is a good faith discussion.

I looked up this idea of overton window. I have never heard of it before. You said people here have a lack of knowledge about it. It's supposed to be the area where a law can be acceptable. But how do you move the window left? The videos say the politician usually doesn't affect the window itself, they just read where it is placed.

i got "chinese shill" and "as a black man" most often for sharing how biden has fucked mine and thousands of other lives.