Be honest, do you still use reddit?

001100 to – 528 points –

I used to check the front page at least once every day, and occassionally check specific subreddits. Now I don't look at reddit unless theres some drama, like mods getting purged, then I'd go there and enjoy the drama. Occasionally there will be questions that only reddit has the answer to so I have to reluctantly use it. I got my uBlock Origin ready to kill all the ads. That shitty website will not get a cent out of me.

What about you? Do you still use reddit?


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I’ve found you can just add “ reddit” to a query and get the same result. I believe - but I’m trying to not do that. Haven’t browser Reddit in 2 weeks. Lemmy is good enough at the moment.

The advantage of using site: is that you can specify which subreddit you want results from

Depends, if it’s anything monetizable like a review the first 3-5 results will be ads instead of reddit unless you do site:

You should use unlock origin. No more ads in web searches.