Arizona governor negotiates pause in hauling of uranium ore across Navajo Nation

Media to – 85 points –
Arizona governor negotiates pause in hauling of uranium ore across Navajo Nation

I decided to find and share an article that included perspectives from Navajo Nation after finding one (Police1) that curiously exempted their reasoning while presenting PR and excuses from the mining company.


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Nice spin fake news.

Could you get me up to speed on what part of AP's report is fake?

Didn't read it but headline makes it seem like Governor did a thing like a good guy that he is when in reality he was permitting illegal activity and was called out for it by Navajo nation.

I don't know all the facts tho but this is my current understanding

The governor isn't really a major subject of the article. At least, I didn't see it that way. I would recommend reading it.

TBH I trust the analysis in the comment section more and I don't give clicks to the regime propaganda

This explains so much about your comments.

Arizona's Governor is Katie Hobbs. A woman and a Democrat.

How does any of this absolve the state in being complicit and covering for the uranium mining industry?

So you are not even going to acknowledge that you have zero idea who the governor is? Do you even know who the current president is?


So you can't admit it at all?

Admit that she enables uranium industry?

I, for one like nuclear power and afaik, you need uranium for that, and I would rather have the usa mining their own vs. paying someone else for it.