Harris selects Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz to be VP running mate, sources say

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couch fucker

Squirrely Dan: "Allegedly."

Squirrely Dan: Allegedlys he fucks thems couches.

That’s why they won’t let him campaign in Davenport, Iowa

I'm looking at Davenport right now across the river, those dudes fuck some couches. Frankly I'm surprised they aren't giving him the key to the city.

Only reason they haven’t given him the key to the city is that someone lost it and they’re still looking for it between the cushions

Haven’t you ever seen the shows where they help people overcome their addictions? The first step is removing them from their current environment so that they’re not triggered to relapse.

Man he really took that Dave Chapelle skit seriously...

"Remember kids, even rumors can be hurtful"
~Richard Gere