How the beehaw defederation affects us to Lemmy.World – 818 points –

ou might have seen that we've been defederated from I think there's some necessary context to understand what this means to the users on this instance.

How federation works

The way federation works is that the community on is an organization of posts, and you're subscribed to it despite your account being on Now someone posts on that community (created on, on which server is that post hosted?

It's hosted on both! It's hosted on any instance that has a subscriber. It's also hosted on,, etc. Every instance that has a subscriber is going to have a copy of this post. That's why if you host your own instance, you'll often get a ton of text data just in your own server.

And the copies all stay in sync with each other using ActivityPub. So you're reading the post that's host on, and someone with an account on is reading the same post on, and the posts are kept in sync via ActivityPub. Whenever someone posts to that community or comments on a post, that data is shared to all the versions across the fediverse, and these versions are kept in sync. So up until 5 hours ago, they were the same post!


A key concept that will matter in the next section is the idea of a "true" version. Effectively, one version of these posts is the "true" version, that every other community reflects. The "true" version is the one hosted on the instance that hosts the community. So the "true" version of a community post is the one actually hosted on We have a copy, but ours is only a copy. If you post to our copy, it updates the "true" version on, and then all the other instances look to the "true" version on beehaw to update themselves.

The same goes for communities hosted on or Defederation affects how information is shared between instances. If you keep track of where the "true" version is hosted, it becomes a lot easier to understand what is going on.

How defederation works

Now take that example post from earlier, the one on The "true" version of the post is on but the post is still hosted on both instances (again, it has a copy hosted on all instances). Let's say someone with an account on comments on that post. That comment is going to be sent to every version of that post via ActivityPub, as the "true" version has been updated. That is, every version EXCEPT and So users on and won't get that comment, because we've been defederated from If we write a comment, it will only be visible from accounts on, because we posted to a copy, but our copy is now out of sync with the "true" version. So we can appear to interact with the post, but those interactions are ONLY visible by other accounts, since our comments aren't send to other versions. As the "true" version is hosted on beehaw, and we no longer get beehaw updates due to defederation, we will not see comments from ANY other community on those posts (including from other defederated instances like

The same goes for posting to beehaw communities. We can still do that. However, the "true" version of those communities are the ones on beehaw, so our posts will not be shared to other instances via ActivityPub. And all of this is true for Beehaw users with our communities. Beehaw users can continue to see and interact with communities, but those interactions are only visible to other Beehaw users, since the "true" versions of the communities (the ones sent to/synced with every other instance) is the one.

Communities on other instances, for example, are unaffected by this. and users will still be able to interact with those communities, but posts/comments from users won't be visible to users, as defederation prevents our posts/comments from being sent to the version of these posts hosted on However, as the "true" version is the one on the third instance, we can still see everything from users. So we see a more filled in version than the beehaw users.


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@AgentGoldfish Did you read what _they_ wrote about the decision to defederate?

He either didn't or is intentionally ignoring the points they made and his aggressive responses here are just riling people up even more instead of focusing us on the actual problem or solutions. People are literally calling beehaw admins "vile" and "despicable" just because they are trying to handle this unexpected and possibly undesired huge influx of people, when their community existed before any of these newcomers arrived (myself included) and their primary concern should be preserving their community and ethos.

This is specifically the type of behavior that beehaw's rules aim to prevent, which is why they are more heavily moderated and why they had to defederate lemmyworld in the first place. The fact that OP is unable to understand this and is instead trying to start a lynch mob just makes me think that a temporary defederation was absolutely the right call to make for them.

right? it wasn't anywhere near a big deal or an insult to other instances

it's "we don't have the resources to handle any possible bad actors from big instances with loose registration requirements, so we're defederating from them until we feel that we can handle it"

the correct response to this is "oh, okay; hope they figure it out such that they can federate with us again in the future"; people are blowing this out of proportion

I don't know if I would want to use Bee in future honestly. I've been getting "holier than thou" vibes from a lot of bee users and the only time I have felt even slightly uncomfortable is when users are coming here attacking I have felt very welcomed and invited and respected in this community - until the day that beehaw decided we are undesirables and not welcome and decided they wanted to classify my new cyber home as a pit full of degenerates.

This whole experience is leaving a sour taste in mouth after what was a very positive first day. I made a community started posting content in it and everything. Now, I honestly don't know if I want to continue.

All you people gaslighting us and acting like we aren't allowed to be upset or annoyed about this action is only making me like Beehaw less.

bro, its not gaslighting

no one said youre not allowed to be upset, you just have to deal with it as the nature of this specific platform. it may suck but thats life.

just gotta interact with other communities, bring the vibes up in other communities and it will soon no longer matter

How is it nonsense? Beehaw has decided that our entire instance is unfit for wider consumption. They have labelled as as degenerates and walled off our content to keep people safe. If people are out there sabotaging our image and making things up about my new community where everyone has been extremely positive and kind and supportive then yes i am going to be upset about that.

These divisions that exist weren't created by me. It was beehaw who quite literally divided us. I'm just annoyed about it, which I have every right to be, because it's a terrible decision with little thought involved and harms the entire service as a whole. Honestly, at this point, I can't help but wonder if they're deliberately sabotaging the platform under the guise of positivity.

its not gas lighting. the term “gaslighting” to refer to a specific type of manipulation where the manipulator is trying to get someone else (or a group of people) to question their own reality, memory or perceptions.

the bees aint making you question reality

what they are doing may be a mistake and misguided, but again, this is a decentralized/federated social media platform. they get to do that

the beauty of it, if we can focus on the communities in and other places that are federated here, it wont matter in the end. you will still be serviced content and comments

i dunno man, its not personal is all im sayin

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You know, I keep hearing this, but it's beehaw people coming here and starting arguments. If it's not a problem, then why are people getting annoyed? Beehaw is allowed to defederate if they really think so, but we don't have to pretend like it's a smart decision. And, at the end of the day, it only hurts them more than anyone else.

The only thing I'm seeing in these lemmyworld threads is people being extremely hostile and rude towards beehaw admins, not showing an ounce of understanding for what is probably a very difficult situation for them too. Not to mention that most of them are brand new accounts as well, calling out admins that have been developing the community and managing beehaw for over a year. In less then a week people with 0 patience or empathy are already drawing lines in the sand instead of trying to help and work towards a solution instead.

I don't believe you to be honest. I haven't seen any hostility towards beehaw admins, or any toxicity whatsoever on the fediverse at all, whether or otherwise. You claim that the only thing you see is people being extremely hostile. So where are they? Calling it a "bitch" move "an incredibly selfish, disphit move" calling the admins "dumb" for their decision by the OP of this thread calling it "vile" with that whole chain devolving into weird allegories and innuendos

My threads are getting messed up and im seeing tons of duplicate or unorganized posts so ill stop here. Besides browse it yourself for the general atmosphere, you're seeing the same content I do and I'm not sure why are you oblivious to this and the general vibe here.

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Yeah I did. That's why I think they don't fully understand what defederation entails. It doesn't accomplish the goals they set out in their decision post, and does have a whole bunch of knock on effects (for their own users) that they don't address at all.

@AgentGoldfish Actually, i think you don't understand what defederation really means.

Heck, it's a completely normal and legal act in the #fediverse. Just search for the fediblock hashtag and find out.

All those defederations have their reasons and while they surely partition the "remaining fediverse" on one way or another, they actually establish the resilience to keep our shared virtual living room free of assholes, racists, fascists and other ppl we don't actually like to read alldays in _our_ stream..

So ... Do i really need to cite XKCD here?

Yes, it is _really_ that simple.

Like I told the other dude, I don't care what beehaw does. I was just explaining the consequences of this action for the users on this instance. Why are you even here? You aren't in this instance.

I think this action is bad for the adoption of lemmy, that's why I don't like it. Beyond that, the beehaw admins can do what they like. If they want to nuke their walled garden/prison, that's their prerogative. I'm just saying what a bad idea I think it is.

I was just explaining the consequences of this action for the users on this instance

You are misinforming people based on your own bias and agenda.

Why are you even here? You aren't in this instance.

We've got a real community builder here folks, just what the fediverse needs.

@AgentGoldfish Well ... i'm in the #fediverse ... and while lemmy actually fails to deliver the rest of this thread over to my friendica instance..

We are still all together in the same #fediverse.

So i'm talking to you as fedinaut and netizen of .. the fediverse.

Like anyone can do...

That's called 'federation' ;)

Maybe read my post on (or another lemmy instance) that all of these are comments on before you make a bunch of assumptions.

@AgentGoldfish I don't assume _that_ much. I see you complaining about beehaw admins making the fediverse worse for their users.. because?

You fail to deliver any reason, why they should tolerate the bulk of your users violating their netiquette.

That's where and why i call that whining.

Like: says here.

It is about choice and you have absolutely no right at all to attack their decision and rights in this way....

You call the action they did as "extraordinarily dumb".

I told you, that the possibility is way higher, that the dumb decision was on your side in the first place.

Dude, it's funny that you are "defending" beehaws decision but literally sound like the kind of person that cause them to do it in the first place. Not saying that you are, but you definitely give that kind of vibe to me with the way you comment and format your "arguments".

Also, don't you understand that both can be true: beehaw admins having honest and best intentions for their own community but also not understanding fully the consequences of their actions? It doesn't have to be either one or the other.

They even said that they are not very technical and it seems they are aware they might be throwing the baby with the bath water for now until they figure things out.

It is just being pointed out that they might be making a mistake especially that this post is addressed to and other federated instances not really at beehaw (although they will probably be aware of it).

All those defederations have their reasons and while they surely partition the “remaining fediverse” on one way or another, they actually establish the resilience to keep our shared virtual living room free of assholes, racists, fascists and other ppl we don’t actually like to read alldays in our stream…

which was like the point of federation, at least with Lemmy; it gives instance owners the choice of who to associate with

@AgentGoldfish Communities and instances, especially here in the #fediverse, have their own netiquettes and rules..... You obviously got called out for disregarding the rules of other instances....

Stop whining and do something about it. ;)

You obviously got called out for disregarding the rules of other instances

I obviously didn't. I like how you just assuming I'm some internet asshole. All I did was write out an explanation for the users of this instance because there was a lot of confusion about what defederation means. Maybe stop being a jerk and making assumptions?

I never said beehaw wasn't allowed to do what they're doing, of course they are. You're the one making that assumption. I said that this will result in more damage to beehaw than to, and it will do more damage still to lemmy as a whole.

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