Get Ready Now: Republicans Will Refuse to Certify a Harris Win | Trumpist county election officials are preparing to throw the process into chaos. to politics – 844 points –
Get Ready Now: Republicans Will Refuse to Certify a Harris Win

A lot of what needs to be done is making sure that the Harris win is large enough that you can't easily claim that a handful of ballots should be tossed and change the outcome. That means:

  • Check your voter registration β€” part of the Republican strategy has long been invalidating registrations so people can't vote
  • Volunteer β€” nothing in the world quite like talking to people.
  • Donate β€” money is used for everything from ads to voter turnout operations
  • Organize; be prepared to turn out with others in your community to actively object to any effort to ignore your votes

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It will cast doubt on the election process regardless. This is very dangerous rhetoric, and unfortunately there's about 20% of the country that wants this.

it's important that nobody sinks into complacency even if harris's victory is looking like an absolute blowout towards the end. GOP absolutely WILL do literally everything they can to undermine the election. everything from 2020 plus more

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20% of the country are traitors and Trump put a good chunk of them in office.

Look at the supreme court. His appointees are going to fuck up our country for decades and there is no political will to deal with it.

Welp maybe it’s time then to drone the shit out of them.

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