JD Vance Awkwardly Retreats After Bizarre Attempt to Storm Harris’ Empty Plane

Aatube@kbin.melroy.org to Not The Onion@lemmy.world – 641 points –
JD Vance Awkwardly Retreats After Bizarre Attempt to Storm Harris’ Empty Plane

JD Vance briskly marched up to Air Force 2, Kamala Harris’ plane, planning to give political reporters a show as he confronted the vice president uninvited on Wednesday. His power-play dreams, like most of his chaotic veep run, were immediately thwarted once he realized Harris was not present. “I just wanted to check out my future plane,” Vance told campaign reporters gathered on the tarmac in Wisconsin.


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They're not libertarians, just neoliberals

They're not?

From what I can see, yes. Libertarians are much more radical

They are libertarian for the most part. The person who responded to you seems to be an (American) libertarian himself so perhaps he's just trying to distance his ideology from this.

according to wikipedia's sources it's more liberalism. it's just that neolib policies have quite a bit in common with libertarianism, since the latter is kinda a radical variant.