JD Vance Awkwardly Retreats After Bizarre Attempt to Storm Harris’ Empty Plane

Aatube@kbin.melroy.org to Not The Onion@lemmy.world – 641 points –
JD Vance Awkwardly Retreats After Bizarre Attempt to Storm Harris’ Empty Plane

JD Vance briskly marched up to Air Force 2, Kamala Harris’ plane, planning to give political reporters a show as he confronted the vice president uninvited on Wednesday. His power-play dreams, like most of his chaotic veep run, were immediately thwarted once he realized Harris was not present. “I just wanted to check out my future plane,” Vance told campaign reporters gathered on the tarmac in Wisconsin.


He is so weird….

Even if that phrase hadn’t been used ad nauseum already, this would be the right time to use it. This is truly a WTF move.

It's all about projecting strength, especially towards women, bonus points if they're not white.

The entirety of conservative politics is narcissists trying to convince morons they embody strength and power...

A weaklings idea of strength.

A peasants idea of wealth.

A losers idea of a playboy.

An idiots idea of a genius.

A cowards idea of a hero.

What is it with Americans and just ruining catch phrases?

It's cool and funny sometimes, not every fucking time.

Remember, there are two kinds of Americans.

  • Democrats: Weed

  • Republicans: Amphetamine or cocaine (depending on income)

You now understand everything about American politics.

Waaait... I am on Adderall for ADHD but also enjoy an herby comedown at the end of the day. So what does that make me? A filthy centrist?! What is this dichotomous drug-fueled political identity crisis I'm experiencing?!?!


Do you vote?

Yup, I sure do! (Does this help me figure out what I am?!?)

You are what they call a "swing state".

I, for one, would volunteer to join the state of catbum.

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the whole point of calling fascists weird is that it seems to work, they hate it.

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1 more...

you can't get shot for storming the VPs plane?

they just let you on it?

for all the innocuous things you can get shot for, storming the vice President's plane seems like one you would get shot for.

Presumably, he also has secret service protection, so they knew he was coming. Hilarious they decided not to just tell him she wasn't there

Oh, got it, thanks.

Not telling him is super funny.

Like the agents around him just giving each other knowing glances every now and then, inwardly giggling at how funny it's going to be when he rushes into an empty plane.

Having flown out of the airport in question, it only has one gate, it's pretty tiny. Their planes were probably parked literally right next to each other, so it wasn't exactly out of his way

you can’t get shot for storming the VPs plane? they just let you on it?

When you're that rich they let you do it

I think that was more likely had she been on it at the time.

Unlike normal commercial or charter planes, AF1 and AF2 have couches.

It's too bad JD Vance won't be joining the Couch Mile High Club on Air Force 2.

He heard about the couches on the plane....

Couches on Air force Two

Not bad for a plane 😏

Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of JD Vance masturbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW.

Obviously next time you're on the train you should start furiously masturbating without the pictures of couches, it'll go much better for you.

Ugh. Sun-bleached, bad-built, butch-body couch. Not nearly enough curves and contours. How's a fella supposed to get into that? It'll have to go.

Sorry Vance, mile high club requires sex with a person

You mean I don't have a real individual membership?

The guy wants to join the mile high club

This might be the first time I have ever truly been glad that Veep ended 5 years ago. Because the writers would just be paralyzed by all of this stupidity.

America being the worldwide laughingstock when it comes to politics has lost it's charm. The last few years Idiocracy has become the better alternative.

The only people that think this are people obsessed with American media.

David Cameron has some association with a pig.

Modi has said some bizarre things about being a demigod.

Macron lectured a kid for saying "How's it going Manu?" instead of "How's to going, Mr. President"

Germany has a long history of very dumb policies, not unique to any specific politician. Such as banning protestors from chanting in any language other than English or German.

And many other things. Politics have dumb things and dumb people everywhere*- it's not uniquely American. American politics are just the most widely publicized internationally.

I remember the German politician who had scat fetish/toilet fetish content posted by himself all over the internet


Of course the party he's in is the FDP (libertarians)

They're not libertarians, just neoliberals

They're not?

From what I can see, yes. Libertarians are much more radical

They are libertarian for the most part. The person who responded to you seems to be an (American) libertarian himself so perhaps he's just trying to distance his ideology from this.

according to wikipedia's sources it's more liberalism. it's just that neolib policies have quite a bit in common with libertarianism, since the latter is kinda a radical variant.

why was he not gun down by security?

presumably his entourage of secret service people were in contact with Kamala's entourage of secret service people, and they were at no point worried of any threat of physical harm.

In the 1980’s both sides would have laughed about this. But that was before everyone was slamming each other.

People were slamming each other all the time in the 80's. It's one of the reasons AIDS hit so hard.

If anything that's what's missing in American politics these days, a little across the aisle fornication. Turn the House back into the sex den it was in the 80s! Make America Fuck Again!

I really don't understand what these stunts are trying to achieve.

It's the social media era. This is an organic extension of trolling, yt/IG/tik tok videos, etc...

It's content, it's eyeballs. People devoting thought cycles to him. Like we're doing now, reading an article about it, talking about it. Probably still a net loss in terms of public opinion, but for his supporters they probably think it's bad ass.

His supporters are at minimum ruthlessly trying to convince themselves it was badass

He was using his combat skills he learnt as a public relations specialist.

I think Bert kreisher, if he was on SNL, would be a great couch fucking JD Vance.

Only because kreishers complete inability to be funny would further twist the knife on vances awkwardness.

But he has no shirt. It's so funny because all the other comedians wear shirts.

yes but of course he'll laugh about it.

JD Pants. He’s wearing daddy’s undies now!

Our plane...

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I can't read that, but if it's a communism joke,. I meant that the plane is government property it doesn't belong to the person inside.