Reddit kills awards and coins

gsa32@lemmy.worldbanned from sitebanned from site to – 2344 points –
Reworking Awarding: Changes to Awards, Coins, and Premium

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I remember back in like, 2013 when getting gold was actually really cool, or maybe it was just me so easily made happy at that point.

I've never followed the updated bullshit with the awards that came out thereafter. It was right around the time reddit really turned to shit.

Anyways, I guess it was inevitable.

I stuck mostly to smaller subreddits that had tighter communities full of regulars. The kinds of places that don’t make it to the frontpage, and don’t have posts slathered with dozens of awards.

In smaller communities, getting an award was rarer but it actually felt good because you knew it wasn’t from a bot or whatever that was trying to pump up visibility for cynical reasons.

I really liked the smaller subreddits too, but they've all been going down hill for the last several years. You can't say shit on reddit without a good chance of being banned from either that subreddit, or reddit in general. So, fuck it.

I don't know, to me getting gold or platinum always made me happy, even more recently (up until I quit Reddit). It said someone liked what you said enough to make an effort to show you and give you a little present. At least, that's how I interpreted it.

I'm done with Reddit, I think Reddit has gone to shit, but that particular aspect made me smile because someone did something nice for me.

Yup, getting the original plain basic gold feels really special, and the many, many awards that is used later does not capture the oooomph value.

Well, I'm talking about the days before platinum. Like, when a gold award was only $5. I gave out several and got several. It was pretty cool. Then.