Utah Supreme Court Rules That Alleged Sexual Assault by a Doctor Is Not “Health Care”

takeheart@lemmy.world to Not The Onion@lemmy.world – 319 points –
Utah Supreme Court Rules That Alleged Sexual Assault by a Doctor Is Not “Health Care”

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You say that as if that practice has been abandoned

A recent survey of 101 medical students from seven American medical schools found that 92% had performed a pelvic exam on anesthetized female patients, 61% of whom reported not having explicit consent from the patients.

Double fuck

I was always suspicious of male OB/GYN, it seems like an unusual specialty to choose for purely altruistic reasons.

Abandoned? Definitely not. It's just not as "acceptable" these days. (Grew up with family member OB/GYN from the 1950s and was definitely the type to do that shit)