This is the Lincoln Nautilus. Look at that shape. As a cephalopod, I am highly offended.

Flying to Mildly – 87 points –

The Nissan Cube annoyed me enough at it was.


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I used to be able to differentiate car brands in the blink of an eye, each brand had pretty distinct features. Nowadays it's a pretty boring blend, apart from a few luxury brands perhaps.

Well... the Cybertruck has unique physical features. They're not features I'd want in a vehicle, but...

Anyway, I was looking here and yeah. Very boring.

I saw a cybertruck in person the other day, pictures cannot fully convey how fucking hideous they are

Stainless steel, sharp edges, it'll take your finger off with ease if you're not careful. All traits I look for in a good kitchen knife.

You can still do that nowadays, if you give a fuck. I don't.

Hyundai/kia are doing really well recently compared to everyone else, their designs are really recognizable and stand out a lot. Some of them aren't the best but it's better than everything looking identical