New Zealand food bank distributes candy made from a potentially lethal amount of methamphetamine to Not The – 232 points –
New Zealand food bank distributes candy made from a potentially lethal amount of methamphetamine

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Meth is the worst drug

Although the ADHD joke is spot on - ADHD gets treated with amphetamines, and straight up meth is used for the most severe cases (I myself am on dextroamphetamine for my ADHD)

methamphetamine is neurotoxic and not used medically, except the levo isomer in some cough/congestion formulas

Desoxyn would like a word.

Edit to add: more commonly prescribed amphetamines are neurotoxic, too. Whether they are neurotoxic at clinical doses is still debated.

Meth is alright. I don’t like it as much as adderall.

Fent is the worst drug.