New Zealand food bank distributes candy made from a potentially lethal amount of methamphetamine to Not The – 232 points –
New Zealand food bank distributes candy made from a potentially lethal amount of methamphetamine

So apparently the "candies" were literally just solid meth tablets.

I have a feeling some smuggler is getting their limbs chopped off right about now for losing their load.

This headline.. its almost as if its implying that its only a problem because they used a "potentially lethal" amount. Like if they had just a more reasonable amount, it wouldn't be an issue.

Food & drugs bank, sounds cool

Hypothetically speaking, how might one be able to get their hands on this candy?

I need it for my... ADHD

street value of USD 608 per candy

Good luck getting the real thing. I could buy some normal candy and a roll of food-safe paper, and sell it for hundreds of dollars. Or add cyanide too, just to ensure the customer won't complain when it doesn't get them high.

Street price in NZ would be a lot higher than elsewhere. Same goes for Australia

Meth is the worst drug

Although the ADHD joke is spot on - ADHD gets treated with amphetamines, and straight up meth is used for the most severe cases (I myself am on dextroamphetamine for my ADHD)

methamphetamine is neurotoxic and not used medically, except the levo isomer in some cough/congestion formulas

Desoxyn would like a word.

Edit to add: more commonly prescribed amphetamines are neurotoxic, too. Whether they are neurotoxic at clinical doses is still debated.

Meth is alright. I don’t like it as much as adderall.

Fent is the worst drug.

Goddammit you just “proved” all of the pearl clutching Halloween-terrified parents right who obsessively dug through their kids’ candy after trick or treating because they just knew that everyone was giving out drugs and needles. Now they will feel even more justified in their stupid quest.

Was that just my mom?

It wasn't just your mom, and they knew that shit was fake when they did it. They were using it as an excuse to take your best candy for themselves.

She actually never took any candy, it just wasn’t her thing. She’s always been a very scared and paranoid person who honestly believed any moral panic/hoax that she either saw on TV, heard from a friend, or got in a 2000’s style chain email forward.

My entire childhood was a constant stream of “no you can’t do that because it’s dangerous because I heard that….” that people were hiding in the parking lot of Wal-Marts all across the country with a bottle of “perfume” that they would jump out and spray you with. But really it was some chemical that would make you pass out, so then they could kidnap you and rape you.

I am not making that up and she was still saying it around 10 years ago, when I was like yeah we need to maybe not talk/visit as much.

LOL, NZ food bank know well about their main audience ;)