The Verge Under Fire For Publishing Info About ‘Deadlock,’ Valve’s Secret Shooter to – 274 points –
The Verge Under Fire For Publishing Info About ‘Deadlock,’ Valve’s Secret Shooter

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It's just bad faith reporting. It reminds me of Kotaku sneaking into conventions before they opened to report what games were there.

It lowers my opinion of The Verge, I used to think they were at least reputable with standards, but that's a real tabloid move.

they were at least reputable with standards

I think you must be talking about a different website?

They literally included a screenshot of valve asking to not share information about the game with a little quip about how they pressed escape instead of ok. Blantant disrespect to valves wishes even if it's not a legally binding agreement.

They chose getting clicks over doing right by valve. Shame on them.

20,000 people are playing it at a time. Not exactly a secret. The way they're testing this game is radical and newsworthy in itself. I'm glad Verge reported on it, and they don't seem mad they they were banned

The verge has been paid advertising disguised as tech news for decades now. Arstechnica too.

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