Hold liberals accountable or else you will be negotiating on who dies first with fascists

return2ozma@lemmy.world to Lefty Memes@lemmy.dbzer0.com – 309 points –

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wait, why are we holding liberals responsible? Shouldn't we be holding the uh, fascists responsible? They're the ones causing all the problems LMAO

wait, why are we holding liberals responsible?

You mean, apart from the fact that liberals cannot protect the status quo without violent fascists and therefore protects and enables fascism?

Apart from that?

You mean, apart from the fact that liberals cannot protect the status quo without violent fascists and therefore protects and enables fascism?

how the fuck do you expect liberals to protect the status quo against violence? With more violence? That seems counter intuitive, this is literally an impossible proposal here.

how the fuck do you expect liberals to protect the status quo against violence?

With fascists. That's how, Clyde.

That seems counter intuitive, this is literally an impossible proposal here.

Don't tell me it's impossible. Tell it to the liberals who applauded Biden when he added more armed fascist goons to the streets when people were demanding he defund and/or abolish them.

Doesn't seem that impossible to them, does it?

fighting fascism with fascism seems like a highly russian propaganda bot take to me, but what do i know.

Don’t tell me it’s impossible. Tell it to the liberals who applauded Biden when he added more armed fascist goons to the streets when people were demanding he defund and/or abolish them.


fighting fascism with fascism

Good God but you are dense. Have you ever seen liberals oppose fascism in any way whatsoever? Why would they oppose the very thing that allows the liberal order to exist in the first place?

Cut a Liberal and a Fascist bleeds.

really? Seems to me like if you cut a liberal a fascist would rise, but ok.

that's a phrase from hexbear, it constitutes 90% of all messages ever posted there

it's a phrase from the Black Panthers

idk who let the hexbear alts into this thread, but it is rife with people who should not be allowed to go outside for causing spontaneous extreme weather events with their sheer spite for the existence of the world.

You'd think so but turns out Liberals are voting for Genocide as long as it's not them being Genocided.

who the fuck are they supposed to vote for? Damned if you do, damned if you don't. There is LITERALLY no way to win here, you are just a sad seething fuck with nothing better to do than shitting and pissing yourself when presented with one mildly annoying option, and a mildly less annoying option. Nothing is fucking perfect, humans don't agree on anything, land rights are a fucking mess, the ONLY and i mean THE ONLY solution to this problem is literally war.

The best thing you can do is encourage people to vote for problems they're passionate about, rather than sitting here trying to undermine the very fucking concepts that the western world is currently built upon and struggling to maintain.

No you can demand Democrats to stop the ceasefire and plunge them in the polls.

There is something you can do. and saying "vote democrat anyway" is undermining it.

and then you can wait for the republicans to win, because they literally do not care about the israel palestine war, and will simply fucking bomb the entire fucking thing within about 2 months.

But yeah no, it's definitely the democrats that are the problem here.

Also i didn't say vote democrat, i said vote period. So nice try i guess?

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