What fresh fuckery is this? 🤦

Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world to Mildly Infuriating@lemmy.world – 766 points –

That's a rhetorical question, in case there's any doubt. I know the exact what and why of their bullshit.


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Use Odysee ffs.

I was curious so I googled searched on duckduckgo for it

attempting to solve some of these problems with blockchain technology. 

Welcome to whiteboard crypto, the #1 Youtube channel for crypto education

If Odysee wasn't filled with so much racist, misinformed, crypto-slinging bullshit, maybe normal people would actually use it. Right now, the best solution is joining someone's patreon.

If Odysee wasn't filled with so much racist, misinformed, crypto-slinging bullshit

Deal with it. Otherwise you'll take every single monopolistic abuse from Google, and you'll just complain and keep using it

We are lol, the monopolistic bullshit from Google is still better then that alt-right crypto hell hole.

I'm not a Nazi

Would using Odysee turn you into one?



I'm OOTL here. Are we talking about a video hosting site that happens to have cringe on it?

Odysee and Rumble are the platforms that wackjobs (like flat earthers) have flocked to in the past year or so.

Those platforms aren't promoting that content per se, it's just that such content isn't moderated like on YouTube and Facebook. And before you say "but there's tons of that stuff on YouTube and Facebook already!" it doesn't compare.

I believe that. Like Gab, right? The scum sinks to the bottom.

If I understand correctly, I think I side with the people saying use it anyway. Video hosting is hard, and YouTube is more enshittified every day.

I think I side with the people saying use it anyway. Video hosting is hard, and YouTube is more enshittified every day.

Ya, I've been trying out YouTube alternatives, because YouTube/Google are just awful. I just have no idea where to land, but the Greyjay app is really helping with that.