Mandalorian to Lemmy – 1118 points –

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A lady died after having an allergic reaction eating at a restaurant at Disneyland. Her husband sued Disney and their lawyers are arguing that her husband has no grounds to sue because he once signed up for a free trial of Disney+ and the TOS says you forfeit your right to sue Disney and must use binding arbitration instead.

Just want to point out that the allergic person seemed to have taken every precautions possible to avoid this. She asked the waiter and the chef multiple times to verify that the allergen wouldn't be there and they repeatedly said it was the case.

I think there were 4 times where they confirmed that the meal was safe. It wasn't at all.

So it looked like a really really bad mistake from the restaurant staff.

A restaurant that isn't owned by Disney. So he wouldn't be able to sue anyway.

Disneyland is the new unregulated MAGA hellscape. I’m opening an unlicensed gun shop on their Main Street next to the corn dog shop, so no one can ever sue me.

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