‘We should have better answers by now’: climate scientists baffled by unexpected pace of heating

Samvega@lemmy.blahaj.zone to News@lemmy.world – 632 points –
‘We should have better answers by now’: climate scientists baffled by unexpected pace of heating

Temperatures above 50C used to be a rarity confined to two or three global hotspots, but the World Meteorological Organization noted that at least 10 countries have reported this level of searing heat in the past year: the US, Mexico, Morocco, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran, Pakistan, India and China.

In Iran, the heat index – a measure that also includes humidity – has come perilously close to 60C, far above the level considered safe for humans.

Heatwaves are now commonplace elsewhere, killing the most vulnerable, worsening inequality and threatening the wellbeing of future generations. Unicef calculates a quarter of the world’s children are already exposed to frequent heatwaves, and this will rise to almost 100% by mid-century.


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Maybe, just maybe, if things are not behaving as expected, then maybe the cause isn't what theory says. Look at that list of countries. All contain deserts. All of whom I was taught experience these temperatures when I was in school in the eighties. I'm fucking old with a long memory.

LOL, what now? Are you claiming countries are experiencing significantly higher temperatures than forecasted due to having or being in deserts?

Dude, he remembers things being hot in hot places. I don't know why we even measure things and keep records. This bloke just remembers!

Yeah it's currently like 77 degrees in Florida right now at 8 am. pretty comfortable, so much for all the global warming talk!

Look at the list and fucking think.

Look at that list of countries. All contain deserts.

Think about what, the fact you might have early dementia?

All I'm thinking is that we recorded the highest temperatures in a desert in all human history. Almost whopping 10 degrees celsius above the previously recorded record. Sweet Jesus that's a lot... That's not fucking natural. What will it take for you to admit that a place known for being hot might be a bit too hot? Maybe once all creatures and plants in deserts cease to exist? Or does it all need to turn to glass before maybe, just maybe it's a bit hotter then it should?

The problem is I am thinking and what you're saying makes no sense. It seems like you're also unable to explain this, so I suspect you didn't think about it yourself.

All of whom I was taught experience these temperatures when I was in school in the eighties.

If they only experienced those temperatures in the 80s, when you were at school, it wouldn't be hot now. QED.

Maybe, just maybe, if things are not behaving as expected, then maybe the cause isn't what theory says.

Yes. Maybe the cause is that you went to school in the 80s.

That is not sound logic whatsoever, it's just mindless snark.

No, I was making fun of you, because I found your statement to be so poorly expressed, bizarre, and - where readable - so highly ridiculous to potentially indicate the possibility that your thinking (such as it is) on this issue is beneath contempt. Goodbye now.