How do you make someone understand that being drafted by force and ordered to invade another country is not a good thing? to – 123 points –

As title, if you have post or link any useful resource you have


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I see you'd rather die kneeling than standing.

I see you’re confusing a state with a people.

Do you think the people of Ukraine want to be invaded by Russia?

You know the same Russia that is constantly killing loads of civilians and is repressing their own people.

I’m sure many eastern Ukrainians who were getting killed and repressed by their own people for a decade did. Some of them explicitly requested Russian intervention.

The post-2014 coup annexation of Crimea want as smoothly as it did because many of the residents wanted it.

Why didn't they just move to Russia if they liked Russia more?

Either way that does in no way justify the Russian total invasion attempt and the murder of thousands of innocents.

So do you think Russia was in the right to invade Ukraine?

I don’t really know what Russia ought to have done, but the US knowingly put Russia between a rock and a hard place. How would the US have reacted if Russia was creeping a “defensive” alliance toward the US’ border and orchestrated a Mexican coup?

So you refuse to answer the question of whether you think Russia broke international law with a war of aggression by invading Ukraine?

Huh. Seems weird. Almost as if you're avoiding taking a stance. I wonder what would make you be avoidant of that particular question and motivate you to question the legitimacy of the conflict Russia started but is currently losing?

You should know that we ban people who stalk others to downvote them.

"We"? Yes, I know you're a mod. I'm shaking. That makes this avoidance of your way worse.

Disagreeing with someone isn't against the rules, is it? How about intimidating others with implications of "if I don't like what you say, I'll ban you"?

You should know I disapprove of people who refuse to acknowledge Russia broke international law with a war of aggression when they invaded Ukraine.

Downvoting things you disagree with is one thing, pettily downvoting everything someone posts regardless of content is quite another: it’s harassment, and it’s not a good look.

Whether Russia broke international laws by invading isn’t even a point of debate: I’ve yet to encounter a single person who thinks otherwise. If that’s the point you’re trying to make then congratulations Captain Obvious.

This is a two day old thread buried under “View all comments,” which no one is going to read, so your debate-me-bro-ing is a waste of exactly two people’s time.

Whether Russia broke international laws by invading isn’t even a point of debate: I’ve yet to encounter a single person who thinks otherwise. If that’s the point you’re trying to make then congratulations Captain Obvious

Then you're an absolute dogshit mod, either not looking or not recognising Russian trolls who are plentiful even on Lemmy.

Whether Russia broke international laws by invading isn’t even a point of debate

So you're still refusing to answer the question?

Then you’re an absolute dogshit mod, either not looking or not recognising Russian trolls who are plentiful even on Lemmy.

There are approximately zero Russian trolls, but there are plenty of conspiracy theorists who think there are.


Whether Russia broke international laws by invading isn’t even a point of debate

So you’re still refusing to answer the question?

You are being utterly ridiculous, so yes. I don’t know why you’re doubling down on sounding like a 12 year old.

There are approximately zero Russian trolls

Good one, mate. Are you trying to say bad actors who are literally employed by Russia, but ignoring all the people who've bought into the propaganda enough to propagate them despite not getting financially compensated by the state of Russia?

Are you seriously trying to say the existence of Russian propaganda on Lemmy is zero percent? I sincerely doubt that, because I'm sure you're aware of just how ridiculous of a statement that is.

"You're being utterly ridiculous by asking one simple question, to which I would avoid the answer were I on the side of Russian rhetoric."

You're making a mountain out of a molehill. I asked a simple question; do you agree that Russia has broken international law with a war of aggression by invading Ukraine?

It really doesn't necessitate getting upset nor all the equicovation. What's more ridiculous: listing a bunch of links trying to imply there's no such thing as Russian propaganda when asked if you think it was wrong of Russia to invade Ukraine... or... asking someone a simple yes or no question?

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It's amazing the shit rich old people can convince poor young people to die saying

edit: meant to say 'rich young people on computers thousands of miles away cheering on other people's deaths'

I invite all of you chickenhawk nazi lovers to go die charging a trench in the place of someone who doesn't support your cause and doesn't want to die.

What do you mean by nazi? And wtf is a chickenhawk?

I proudly went through conscription in Finland, because we know what Russia was capable of.

So who are these Nazis you speak of?

You're from Finland and you have to ask where the nazis are?

I don't, but apparently you do.

So who exactly are you calling nazis?

Literal nazis who wear nazi symbols on their persons and anyone who positively associates with them or supports them

I don’t, but apparently you do.

Your trash talk is incoherent. You don't have to ask but I do? My dimwitted child, you are the one asking.

You're the one who said "you chickenhawk nazi lovers."

It's not unreasonable to ask for elaboration for such an incoherent attempt at an insult.

Just because it went over your head (how???) doesn't make it incoherent.

Do you even know what that word means or are you just mad I used it on you appropriately?

Since I very clearly expressed I've gone through conscription, enjoyed it, and am currently a NCO in the Finnish reserves, very willing to defend my country militarily, but you assert you're "using the term appropriately", I have to deduce that you're probably using the gay slang term "chicken hawk", meaning you're assuming I'm gay, I'm an "older male", and into twinks?

Also, then you agree that nazis are either actual neonazis, or possibly the current horrid fascists like Putler and Netanyahu.

I'm pro-Palestine and pro-Ukrainian, mostly straight, not even in my 40's and in the Finnish reserves, and I'm definitely not an actual bird, so... in what was your asinine babbling "appropriate"?

Hey now, the Finns dropped their Nazi symbology way back in… four years ago.

Since you're very fond of listing links and sources, I'll show you how argumenting is actually done. (Since your link lists were nothing but "I hope you never read any of these because they're not actually even related and I can't come up with an actual argument.)

You misuse the word "symbology".

Likeness in symbols representing different things aren't two different things using the same symbology, they're the same symbol which represents a different thing.

We've been using the Swastika since the Iron Age. When did they form the Nazi party again?

Awkward how you pretend to be so knowledgable, yet make these cringe "arguments", because I made you upset by asking you whether you're pro-Russian or not. Something which you absolutely refuse to answer. Weird, huh?

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