Zotac Gaming Zone handheld gaming PC launches for $799 (with Ryzen 7 8840U, 120 Hz display, and dual trackpads) - Liliputing

Alphane Moon@lemmy.world to Games@lemmy.world – 79 points –
Zotac Gaming Zone handheld gaming PC launches for $799 (with Ryzen 7 8840U, 120 Hz display, and dual trackpads) - Liliputing

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Please stop putting RGB on everything? Can we return to the cool colored plastics for a bit and see what modern technology can do? I bet you could do some wild shit with modern plastics.

I wouldn’t mind a Beige Gaming PC

purple transparent for me.

Transparent purple looks gorgeous on the N64 and its controllers. I can only imagine how it would look on something like this, especially with how complex modern electronics can get

My builds are always all black as possible, no lights or minimal lights. No glass (why would anyone do that?). I focus on price and functionality. Fan mounts and airflow of the case.

I built a PC to look at the SCREEN, not a distracting lightshow near the screen.

PC builders also always complain about noise. I have probably 12 giant fans in my case. It sits right next to the desk on a shelf. I never notice it.

Of course I also was never bothered by my Steam Decks fan noise either. I don't understand people.

No glass (why would anyone do that?)

Because I like watching the computer parts go brrrr

Yea, man. Nothing wrong with liking how the inside of a PC looks. All those traces, different colored PCBs, shiny heatsinks, components, etc. I could take or leave RGB myself but I wouldn't deny someome their glam.

They..... they just, sit there. Fans spin. I guess there's flashy lights if you put those on. But like.... oooh look at that RAM warm up! Yeah! Hardcore. Look at that ATX 24-pin connector being all ...... CONNECTED and shit! HELLYEAH!

Not a huge fan of RGB either but I'd prefer the option is there and I can disable it than not have it at all.