The threat from domestic terrorism is rising, but, with Republicans decrying the “deep state,” the F.B.I. is cautious about investigating far-right groups. Vigilantes are leaping into the fray. to – 330 points –
Infiltrating the Far Right

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with Republicans decrying the “deep state,” the F.B.I. is cautious about investigating far-right groups.

This, as much as anything else, is what is wrong with the US right now. EVERY fucking topic, EVERY fucking solution, comes down to "let's not piss off the right."

Motherfuckers, when is it time to stop giving a shit whether we piss them off, and worry more about doing the right thing?

"home of the brave" my fucking ass.

It's "land of the fee, home of the billionaire" now.

It may have always been. There are mineral rights on land around me that date back to the 1850s when the railroad tycoons were given carte blanch to take over land while building the intercontinental railroad. How does some rich person/group/consortium/bank/railroad own the land under me 175 years later?

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