In Leaked Audio, Amazon Cloud CEO Says AI Will Soon Make Human Programmers a Thing of the Past to – 471 points –
In Leaked Audio, Amazon Cloud CEO Says AI Will Soon Make Human Programmers a Thing of the Past

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Yeah hows that goin’?

It can write really buggy Python code, so... Yeah, seems promising

It does a frequently shitty job of writing docstrings for simple functions, too!

It does great with common code patterns that it can just drop in place. 99.9% Artificial, 0.01% intelligence.

When I last tried to let some AI write actual code, it didn't even compile 🙂 And another time when it actually compiled it was trash anyway and I had to spend as much time fixing it, as I would have spent writing it myself in the first place.

So far I can only use AI as a glorified search engine 😅