33 years ago...

pipsqueak1984@lemmy.ca to Linux@lemmy.ml – 1372 points –

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GNU is older than Linux? Neat.

Yeah… but it was just RMS yelling at people from a street corner, nobody actually used it until Linux came along ;-)

I'm pretty sure Apple and Google already rewritten all important GNU parts into something with Apache or BSD license, to throw everything GPL licensed out of their embedded systems. The biggest and most important part was obviously GCC, replaced by Clang.

How many GPL-licensed system libraries and tools are in Android right now, except for the kernel? I'm pretty sure the answer is zero.

Yeah, gotta’ love how all the Apple fanboys were like Bash? Meh’ zsh is the superior shell in the span of a day.

I mean was the GPL viral… yeah probably. But it’s not like the courts came after either of them. Or ever really will in a meaningful way. Although hope springs eternal for non-webkit browsers in the not-EU 😌

What’s wrong with ZSH? I was using it for 5+ years before it became the default over bash, mainly because of the auto complete features, oh-my-zsh and later just plugins and powerlevel10k.

Oh I didn’t think there’s anything wrong with it, I love oh-my-zsh. But it did feel like a bit of a cannery in the coal mine scenario when they elevated it the default and said they would phase out bash because of the GPL license.

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Clang and the LLVM with BSD like licences so we can get the 80's suing experience of UNIX yet again.

It's impressive how many people in the FOSS community hate GNU. Even to the point of creating OSes without GNU in it. Working for free for companies just to get their contributions stolen or expunged.

Apple loves Open Source, they can stole it as they like, like they did with Darwin (a derivation of XNU). Everything is open until we no longer want to, and you don't have any right to desist such actions. This sounds like a dream for them.

Google loves Open Source, they can build an spyware, ad vending machine, DRM platform that is hosted in almost any IOT machine. This is Android.

The community has to realize that if you care about your software you have to ENFORCE the freedom of it.

The are entire projects just to liberate android from google. That's is all fault of the open source licence.

There are quite a lot of projects which exist to liberate software projects that have been taken hostage. This is no sense.

Most of the IOT devices are presenting paywall features thanks to Android: cars, fridges, TVs, etc. What is next?

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Yeah. And I like how even from the message it shows that it's been already well recognized by then.

If I recall correctly from some RMS' talks I've seen many years ago, they've been working on it for years before, it's just the kernel that was missing. As I see it, GNU and Linux was the breakthrough for FLOSS, since at that time you would still have to use a proprietary kernel. (Well, there's GNU Hurd, but I'm not sure if it existed at that time, and even if it did, it was not ready.)

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