How do people in this day in age become nazis/neonazies sexist or even incels when there is so much knowledge against it? Do they get anything out of being that way? to No Stupid – 469 points –

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I grew up watching WW2 movies and the Nazis were never shown as being anything other than Bad Guys. I would love to know how anyone grows up here in the U.S. and doesn't know that.

This was taken in Madison Square Garden in 1939.

Henry Ford was given the Grand Cross of The German Eagle by Hitler.

Americans were far more Nazi than history books might have you believe.

Hell, Hitler called America’s genocide of the natives “the first great cleansing”. It was the model.

for starters they dont even know they are Nazis

Well they ain't. A Nazi is a specific economic and cultural philosophy/movement of a certain time and place. Anti immigration conservatives, even very racist misogynists aren't usually nazis no matter how often people call that.

I think there are enough similarities for people to properly connect the two.

Yeah it devalues the horror of genocide calling a person critical of mass immigration the same fucking thing.

Trump supporters aren’t only critical of mass immigration. Go look at the second paragraph of the Nazism Wikipedia page. You’ll find those beliefs overlap quite a few times with American conservatives.

Quit being dense for no reason.

Hitler had ideas that overlap with Buddhism, PETA and myriad other groups, that is completely irrelevant.

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To see Nazis being presented as the good guys just turn on the DNC stream.

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