'Don’t report that I was desperate!' Trump ridiculed for early morning Fox News rant

just_another_person@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 621 points –
'Don’t report that I was desperate!' Trump ridiculed for early morning Fox News rant

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He added, "Delivery was a C+, with far too many and speedy 'thank you’s' at the beginning. It was 'WEIRD!'"

He's trying to appropriate the word. We're not gonna let him. Fuck off, orange man.

Fuck off WEIRD orange man with 34 felonies and dementia that's too old.

Don't forget rapist. He earned that title.

Yeah, you don't earn that title so much as take it.

Agree but he earned it in court and the public. "Rapist Fmr President Trump."

Rapist, convicted felon, and impeached 1 term former president Trump

He did it with "fake news," which was initially about literally fake news sites spreading on social media that supported the Trump campaign in 2016.

Just like he's trying to appropriate the word coup by saying Biden was kicked out in a coup.

He uses it to soften his ACTUAL coup attempt during and after the 2020 election.

He's using it to kill the definition in preparation for what Repub Trumpanzees plan to do this year and the next.

I think that’s the origin of the “every accusation is a confession” effect. If there’s one thing they’re good at, it’s conditioning their base to ignore critics.

They keep failing at reappropriating the word because the things they keep trying to say are weird are remarkably normal to regular folks with regular families, and they wind up looking weird themselves for trying.

It's like if I said "Get a load of Bob, hugging his wife without her recoiling at his touch. What a weirdo, right guys?!"