'Don’t report that I was desperate!' Trump ridiculed for early morning Fox News rant

just_another_person@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 621 points –
'Don’t report that I was desperate!' Trump ridiculed for early morning Fox News rant

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Maybe get one that actually works. No problems here.

Can you please share what you are using to help this person?

Not OP but it worked for me using Firefox with Ublock Origin.

The answer has always been Firefox with UBlock Origin. This has been the case for practically two decades now; why are people still asking this question?

There was a time when you didn't know what ad blockers were, that you could install them, and which one was best. You learned that at some point. Every day, there are many, many people who learn this for the first time.

Probably some of the billions of people on the planet have not yet heard that answer, even after this time. Unexpected yet true.

Yeah I know; today's lucky 10,000 and whatnot. I was just being salty.

Literally any of them.

Not really, because if it was "all of them," then you wouldn't have said "get one that works," implying that not all of them work.

Plus don't pull a Sarah Palin. "Which newspaper do you read?" "All of them!"

Just help the dude and give one working example.

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