What is the movie like thing that has happened to you?

Monster@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 129 points –

For example, I once saw a man throw his hat down in anger. He didn't stomp on it which was kind of a let down.


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Commuting home via train. It derailed. I didn't really notice it because I had my headphones on and read a book. It was a slightly bumpy ride, but that sort of stuff happens, right? I only realised something was off when people started smashing in the windees and breaking open the doors, climbing off and running away.

I packed my stuff, hopped outside and looked at the train. Sure enough, it was fully off the tracks.

I've never been in that small town before and had no idea how to get home. So, I did the only reasonable thing I could think of: Finding the nearest local pub, drinking a pint of beer, having a smoke and figure things out from there.

Met a sweet couple about my age over there who were on the same train and lived in that area. We had a lovely chat, a few more pints and then they dropped me off at the bus stop from where I could get back home. We became close friends.

The camera shows the wheel break from the track, throwing the hero and the henchman to either side of the room. It cuts to the carriage in chaos, with people panicked at the motion. Then it cuts to you to break the tension.

Checks out.

I do tend to have a calming effect on people. Mostly because I can't be bothered by anything beyond my control, so I just think "Eh, fuck it" and proceed as normal.

Why were people smashing windows? Is it dangerous to be on a train that's derailed?

They just panicked and lost their cool. It's way more dangerous what they did instead of waiting inside until emergency services arrive. By the time I hopped off, the entire area was swarming with paramedics , fire brigade and the guards. I was the last person on that train

Are you Simon Pegg?

Why, what's the reference I'm missing? ^_^

Ah, lol, did you refer to the Winchester? I guess many people in Ireland act that way, too. That's where it happened. A healthy "oh well..." attitude.

The Winchester, yeah. I wouldn't have thought of it if it weren't a meme that you partially quoted!

edit: Clarification.

Fair. It wasn't intentional on my end, it's just a not uncommon attitude in GB and IE, I suppose. ^^