Tulsi Gabbard Completes MAGA Makeover by Endorsing Donald Trump

return2ozma@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 461 points –
Tulsi Gabbard Completes MAGA Makeover by Endorsing Donald Trump

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Russia supports Palestine because Israel is an ally of the US. If tomorrow the US decided to end it's alliance with Israel and become allies with Palestine, Russia would suddenly become against Palestine and seek to form an alliance with Israel.

There are few morals in geopolitics and there are no friends, only interests.

There are few morals in geopolitics and there are no friends, only interests.

It's funny how everyone was so excited about this rule in those years before 1939. Then for a short time some people experimentally realized that maybe some morals would be fine.

No, no politician ever believed that, but I'm confident that the reason we are only going into similar shit now is that before that there was a kind of common irrational memory, popular pressure for some morals to be followed.

The population of the western countries (except Germany, which till 80s was, eh, what it was) was rather interested in morals, anti-fascist and anti-colonial, and also (including even Germany) wanted peace on earth and goodwill towards men.

There's another rule - people so excited about backstabbing and intrigue can't honestly face their enemies, which means they can't honestly face themselves which is harder. They are weak. They are good at collectively making it appear that they are strong, but earlier or later the truth becomes clearly visible.

Everything changes, morals (not those about sexual life and religion and even honesty, but those about strength and dignity and friendship) don't, since not even Marcus Aurelius, but since Gilgamesh epic. That's because they are an evolutionary advantage. Nothing that isn't can perpetuate itself into future, and many generations have changed since then, but we still have those notions.

This is you trying to deflect from the atrocities of US and Israel by reasoning that every other country is just as amoral.

Whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night. God bless America. Greatest nation on Earth. USA. USA.

You should look into the atrocities committed by Russia, if you like hearing about atrocities. Then you could look into some of the things Hamas has done.

How do you go about choosing which atrocities you care about and which ones you look the other way about? Is it based on the ethnicity of the perpetrators or the ethnicity of the victims? Or is it the atrocities that are committed against people in countries that are aligned with the US you look the other way on?

Just want to figure out method to your selective empathy.

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