Tulsi Gabbard Completes MAGA Makeover by Endorsing Donald Trump

return2ozma@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 461 points –
Tulsi Gabbard Completes MAGA Makeover by Endorsing Donald Trump

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The same Russia that's currently trying to invade Ukraine?

I’m sure you’ve heard of Pol Pot and the killing fields of Cambodia.

Did you know who stopped Pol Pot? It was Vietnam. Vietnam, already devastated by a series of wars, undertook a invasion of Cambodia and deposed Pol Pot, partly because Pol Pot was killing ethnic Vietnamese people who lived in Cambodia.

And throughout the whole thing, America condemned Vietnam. America accused Vietnam of being expansionist. America was on Cambodia’s side.

Just a thought.

Couldn't find anything good to say about Russia that wasn't a joke line?

I'm saying the Russia/Ukraine situation seems very analogous to the Vietnam/Cambodia situation.

Who were the Ukrainians killing before Russia came to save them?

And who was president of Ukraine while that was happening? Viktor Yanukovich, pro-Russian stooge and convicted traitor.

Now, why would a pro-Russian Ukrainian be giving Russia cover to invade Ukraine? I'm sure we'll never know, but maybe there are some falsehoods we can flag and eliminate from consideration.

And who was president of Ukraine while that was happening? Viktor Yanukovich, pro-Russian stooge and convicted traitor.

No, it was Petro Poroschenko, the pro-European billionaire installed as president by an American-backed coup.

Russia invaded the Donbas in April 2014. Poroshenko didn't become president until June.

Jesus, you all don't even know your own history.

This story is from November 2014.

Yes, at which time Russia had been illegally invading the Donbas for about 7 months. Try and keep up.

So you agree that Poroschenko was president at this time.

Because you just claimed it was Yanukovich (and got snotty with me for correcting you).

Try and keep up.

Keep up with what? You're the one who was wrong.

Yes, at which time Russia had been illegally invading the Donbas for about 7 months.

I think you're confusing Crimea with the Donbas. Those are two different things. Russia invaded Crimea in 2014. Russia didn't invade Donbas until 2022.

This story is about Donetsk, which is in the Donbas.

The Russia that is trying to liberate the Donbas from Ukrainian oppression, yes.

(Reminder that the Donbas is majority ethnic Russian and has been fighting for independence from Ukraine since 2014, which resulted in them being bombed by their own government.)

Yeah when you raise a militia with the help of another country and shoot at the government it tends to shoot back.

Oh look, another Democrat cheering on war crimes.

Ukrainian government forces used cluster munitions in populated areas in Donetsk city in early October 2014, Human Rights Watch said today. The use of cluster munitions in populated areas violates the laws of war due to the indiscriminate nature of the weapon and may amount to war crimes.


This is another joke right? Russia has infamously been leveling towns to take territory, specifically targeting civilian shelters, and been caught torturing civilians.

I do wonder how much Russian IRA trolls get paid...

How much are you being paid? Because this whole sub should be called /c/FreeBlowjobsForBiden.

And I don't know what you think the Irish Republican Army has to do with anything.

And I don't know what you think the Irish Republican Army has to do with anything.

The Internet Research Agency, known in Russian Internet slang as the Trolls from Olgino or Kremlinbots, was a Russian company which was engaged in online propaganda and influence operations on behalf of Russian business and political interests. It was linked to Yevgeny Prigozhin, a former Russian oligarch who was leader of the Wagner Group, and based in Saint Petersburg, Russia.

But I have a feeling you're just playing dumb.

was a Russian company which was engaged in online propaganda and influence operations on behalf of Russian business and political interests

We have them too. They're called Digital Reputation Management Services.

There's a bunch of them. You can google "Reputation Management" and see.

Oof — awfully defensive little one, aren't ya?

Tell me I struck a nerve without telling me.

I'm just tired of dealing with the onslaught of abuse in this thread.

And that's not something you should be proud of.

We're all taking abuse from these poor Pro-Ruzzkie unfounded false-equivalent whataboutism fallacies.

So many fallacies in fact that I advise you take a Critical Thinking class.