Ohio Republican could face disqualification under name change law aimed at trans candidates

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to News@lemmy.world – 319 points –
Ohio Republican could face disqualification under name change law aimed at trans candidates

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Well to be fair Pudding Fingers Cruz isn't Ohio's problem.

Edit: As a commenter observed, Pudding Fingers is actually Ron Desantis. Cancun Cruz would be more accurate

He's a Senator from possibly the most gerrymandered state in the entire country. He's everyone's problem and accountable to nobody except the fascist GOP.

I mean you're not wrong (I live in Texas), but there is nothing Ohio state law can do about him is what I mean.

The fuckery Abbott and his cronies get up to in Austin basically ensures we're stuck with him.

Wait, isn't desantis the guy that ate pudding with his fingers? I think Cruz is mostly famous for fleeing to Cancun when things got ugly at home

As a kid, I sucked at who's that pokemon. You're right of course, but in my defense I'm not worried about the specific lore of any of them.