Ohio Republican could face disqualification under name change law aimed at trans candidates

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to News@lemmy.world – 319 points –
Ohio Republican could face disqualification under name change law aimed at trans candidates

Can’t have people changing their names. I mean how would Rafael Cruz or Donald Bowman ever get elected? Oh wait…

Well to be fair Pudding Fingers Cruz isn't Ohio's problem.

Edit: As a commenter observed, Pudding Fingers is actually Ron Desantis. Cancun Cruz would be more accurate

He's a Senator from possibly the most gerrymandered state in the entire country. He's everyone's problem and accountable to nobody except the fascist GOP.

I mean you're not wrong (I live in Texas), but there is nothing Ohio state law can do about him is what I mean.

The fuckery Abbott and his cronies get up to in Austin basically ensures we're stuck with him.

Wait, isn't desantis the guy that ate pudding with his fingers? I think Cruz is mostly famous for fleeing to Cancun when things got ugly at home

As a kid, I sucked at who's that pokemon. You're right of course, but in my defense I'm not worried about the specific lore of any of them.

If the governing body who has to decide on this is GOP led, nothing will come of this.

They will decide to follow the intent of the law, not the letter.

Yup. Still important to bring up these cases to highlight how ridiculous the whole thing is.

I didn't mean it doesn't matter. I meant to point out the two-faced arbitrariness of the GOP.

It's the "conservatism means there must be outgroups for the law to bind but not protect, and in groups for the law to protect but not bind" thing again.

Republican State Rep. Tex Fischer legally changed his name from Austin James Fischer to Austin James Texford Fischer in 2020

Ha! What?! Why! What a silly thing to do. I have no ability to understand the motivation here. We are different types of people.

Not even the leopards themselves are safe from getting their faces eaten!