Instead of Ignoring Trans Rights at DNC, Dems Should’ve Vowed to Protect Them to politics – 8 points –

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Oh my god. This account finds something to nitpick at the Dems and posts every five minutes. Notice how they barely - if ever - post anything critical of Republicans?

Every. Five. Minutes.

You want a seat ta the table? Learn how politics works. Otherwise, I don't know, go back to purity testing the Dems every five minutes. See where that gets you.

Gurl... I don't oppose Democrats because I'm on the same side as Republicans. I oppose Democrats because they're on the same side as Republicans.

Ah that's right. When we're tired of nitpicking and purity testing we can always fall back on the "both sides" argument. It's so transparent at this point.

Aren't you ignoring the article and engaging in an ad hominem attack on OP? Block them if it bothers you.

As a trans woman trapped in a red state, I would feel a lot safer if the dems would actually take a concrete position of whether I can continue existing. It might actually be important enough that I stay home in November, because so far Biden has done almost nothing (some easily undone executive actions and guidelines) and Kamala isn't talking about it at all (at least more than empty validation and hug boxing)

The dems are not just as bad as the right, but they're bad enough on some key issues (trans rights, the supreme court, and the US backed genocide of Palestine) blue no matter who is just ignorant and naive.

There is nothing wrong pointing out failings with the Dems. From what I've seen, only blue states are fighting to preserve trans rights. Tim Waltz has been very vocal about keeping government out of the doctors office. You seem hyper focused on the office of the presidency. The reality is the president can only do so much. We need down ballot votes to give them the power to do what needs to be done. We need to bring the fight to all levels and stop typer-focusing on the presidency. We need to build coalitions. We need to keep a seat at the table - not disengage.

The issue is this account spams the same shit non-stop day in and out. Right now I don't believe in blocking people -yet. I have mixed feelings about blocking. The reason I'm attracted to these platforms is because I want to hear different points of view.

I understand this issue is a matter of personal safety for you... but hopefully you can understand why the Biden administration "has done almost nothing". The way the US government is set up has several branches, where the Presidency under the Executive Branch is just one of them, for most issues he's done what can be expected of a typical President and more.

The Legislative Branch has been taken over by the Republican House Circus. That's where normally laws are supposed to be written. The Judicial Branch Supreme Court's faults are with Roberts, Trump's appointees, and ultra-corrupt Thomas. They are interpreting the Constitution and the rules Congress wrote in whatever way fits their oligarch friends' needs. That's 2 out of 3 government branches, that aren't Blue, if they were, Biden would have been able to do a hell of a lot more.

The only thing imo Biden has no good excuse for, is the series of blank cheques he's been giving Israel to commit genocide. If that's your make-or-break, I'm sorry, you have no good options. Your best bet may be to hold your nose.

The only people ever afforded a seat at the table are the moneyed class. And Democrats do need to be put under a microscope because they're the ones that pretend to be allies to the marginalized, While they Co opt our languages to use against us when we decide to not vote for them because they stabbed us in the back. Republicans wear their racism and their bigotry on their shoulders for all to see. For Democrats, it's covert.

"they need to be put under a microscope"

You know what they say, there's no one like someone on the left to make sure the most progressive party lose votes.

There's so much stuff politicians won't talk about on the campaign trail because they're wedge issues and because their records already show they're in favor/against those things, it's better to shut up than to alienate a lot of voters to please few voters. Spoiler alert, not all Democrats voters care about trans rights and more of them will jump ship if they believe Harris is woke than will jump in the ship if she starts talking about trans rights during the campaign because the majority of people who support trans rights already understand that the Democrats support their rights even if they don't make it a campaign issue.

Calling Democrats the "most progressive party" is like calling a carpet bombing the "most peaceful action" because the alternative is a thermonuclear bomb.

Of the two options that can be elected in the USA, which is the most progressive?

If you go by their track records, neither. One is verbally less regressive, sometimes, but only in election years.

That's a pretty ridiculous answer... One party tried to increase healthcare access the other destroys whatever progress the other party made. One party is in favor of science, the other chooses a president that suggests injecting bleach to get rid of diseases. One party tries to create digital programs, the other blocks any attempts at it...

Those of us on the left do not vote for Democrats because we are NOT Democrats.

it's better to shut up than to alienate a lot of voters

If they won't stand up and do what's right in the face of opposition they are not worthy of being elected. Mentioning the marginalized when it's politically convenient is self serving, and not worthy of being elected.

Sure. Except the policies they pass represent their electorate and are diametrically opposed to Republicans.

Listen, I'm for all the same things everyone on this platform wants. The issue is our generation is terminally online but doesn't bother to vote. If you want to make changes disengaging from the political system altogether is not the answer. Building coalitions and doing the hard work is. But that takes work and is not exciting, so it's just easier for accounts like to keep spamming non-stop about how "both parties are equal" and "corpo overlords". It's just more fun, isn't it?

Gurl I'm still saying vote for Kamala but be aware their shortcomings. Fuck Trump and the GOP.

Sorry. I just don't buy it.

If you really want to enact change get politically active at the local level and build up. Get a seat at the table. Build coalitions. Run for local elections. Support your city council / school policy. Talk about what you can do.

Spamming incessantly about how bad the Dems are betrays a total lack of understanding who the main electoral base is (outside the internet) and how legislation is passed. This has been pointed out to you multiple times. You know all this. You know what you're doing. We see it.

I don't buy it.

The working class will NEVER have a seat at their table, only promises and illusions that someday we will so they can stay in power.

Many of those that chose not to vote are disenfranchised voters that do not feel represented in government, and rightfully so. Many of our lives do not fundamentally change for the better regardless which shade of fascism runs the government.

Liberals talk about building coalitions, which translates to 'do it our way otherwise you want the other team to win.' They want zero input from the marginalized groups they help keep marginalized, they do not listen to our needs.

Claiming that you want all the same things other people want is disingenuous when you demand we support the people fighting those changes.