No Policy Change: In CNN Interview, Harris Refuses to Condition U.S. Military Support for Israel to politics – 7 points –
Kamala Harris Refuses to Condition U.S. Military Support for Israel

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"Grandpa, what did you do when the genocides were happening?"

"Told people off for not being enthusiastic about voting for pro-genocide candidates"

"I told them to vote for the candidate that would finish the job, sweetheart"

"No, I meant the one in Sudan"

"There was one in Sudan? Well, I didn't do anything. You see, there were no Democrats to blame"

We aren't selling weapons for the genocide in Sudan.

Quit whatabouting in support of genocide.

So you're not actually against genocide. You just want someone else to supply the weapons. If China would just take over IDF arms shipments, then you could ignore Gaza too.

What the heck is this argument? "Well SOMEONE is going to supply the weapons for mass slaughter, might as well be us!"

The argument is: it makes no difference who supplies the weapons. The only thing that matters is who exerts the most pressure to get a ceasefire.

My government isn't spending my tax money to make me an accessory to the genocide in Sudan. You're just happy that your tax money is being used for a cause you support: the genocide in Gaza.

I don't think the person you responded to ever mention being happy about genocide. Why would you lie about that?

So they expect everyone else to be happy about genocide while being unhappy about it themselves? That makes no sense.

I trust that you'll also be calling all the people who accuse anyone who is even slightly unhappy about genocide of being trump supporters liars too, right?

When did the person you responded to say that anyone is or is expected to be happy about genocide?

I trust that you’ll also be calling all the people who accuse anyone who is even slightly unhappy about genocide of being trump supporters liars too, right?

So the answer to this is "fuck no, I only call people who don't support genocide liars."

No, I'm just calling you a liar. You are literally saying that person you're referring to said they are happy about genocide, and that others should be happy about genocide, which never happened. You are making up the words that were never said to emotionally support your view.

But I will also say, if you think that not voting for Harris in November will in any will help end the genocide, you're grossly mistaken, and such an action would be in direct support of Trump's presidential election. Interpret those facts how you will.

But I will also say, if you think that not voting for Harris in November will in any will help end the genocide

I'm still voting for Harris, despite the constant accusations of pro-genocide centrists to the contrary.

Oh, so you're going to go around and telling anyone that's voting for Harris and supports her over Trump, that they are happy and complacent with genocide, and then you're still going to vote for her like somehow you're different? Holy shit is that the most hypocritical thing I've read in a long time. That's quite the high pedestal you've put yourself on there.

Oh, so you’re going to go around and telling anyone that’s voting for Harris and supports her over Trump, that they are happy and complacent with genocide

It's almost as though there's some other reason I say that people who accuse anyone who objects to genocide of being a Trump supporter are supporting genocide.

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Well, as long as your hands are clean then you have nothing to worry about.

Because the most important thing you need in Gaza is that you can look yourself in your mirror each day and that you can feel good about yourself.

One of us certainly does. You're fucking proud to be an accessory to genocide and want anyone who isn't to shut up.

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