Israel Just Killed Another American in the West Bank. Will the U.S. Ever Respond? to politics – 24 points –
Israel Just Killed Another American in the West Bank. Will the U.S. Ever Respond?

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Congratulations on having two parties that vote for the policies you support. Not getting how that is some sort of comeback to my assertion that Netanyahu is getting the weapons no matter what he does.

Ah, so now it’s my fault, too, eh? Lmao

If you want to argue against things I haven't said, I guess it's a lot easier than arguing against things I have said. I'll leave you and the straw caricature you've constructed of me to talk things out.

If you’ve suddenly been struck by amnesia, you can just scroll up and review your past comments.

You can also scroll up:

I’ll leave you and the straw caricature you’ve constructed of me to talk things out.

Yeah, I remember the part about you saying you were leaving. Apparently, you had another episode of amnesia.

He seems to get that a lot, including what country he's in. Weird right?

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