Israel Just Killed Another American in the West Bank. Will the U.S. Ever Respond? to politics – 24 points –
Israel Just Killed Another American in the West Bank. Will the U.S. Ever Respond?

They responded to this in the past:

This kind of thing is entirely predictable and US citizens have been warned by the State Department about there being an active conflict happening in the area.

So a US citizen died while ignoring a travel advisory from the US government. US citizenship doesn't make someone invincible, and it doesn't mean the US military is going to avenge your death (or whatever fantasy you can come up with) if you're deliberately ignoring the warnings about an area of the world being dangerous. The obligation of protecting citizens was fulfilled by issuing the warning.

There is no legal obligation to protect citizens. Is there an ethical obligation? Kind of no, for reasons you listed, but kind of yes, because the cause of death was predictable and it's something in the US has partial control over.

From a practical standpoint, we all agree that the US won't do anything, because they certainly aren't worried about pacifists in war zones where one of the sides is getting its weapons from the United States.

Although there are a bunch of ways the US can apply pressure. I think people overestimate the power ceasing weapon sales would have. While I believe it is the ethically right thing to do. It wouldn't really hinder Israel's ability to wage this war. It is allowing them to maintain their very vast stockpiles. But they could probably go years without even getting low, much less running out, without external weapons.

Yeah a country has an ethical obligation to protect it's citizens. Which is why countries issue travel advisories. If you ignore the warnings your country is giving you, that ethical obligation doesn't apply because it was already fulfilled by the warning.

"Don't go over there, it's dangerous!"

"Screw you, I'm not listening to you!"

Problem happens.

"Why did you allow this dangerous thing to happen???"

I wonder Ozma, what would you have the US do?

(This is for OP, others need not reply)

Enough is enough. Stop all US aid to Israel, stop enabling the genocide. Immediately.

Americans are upset, just politicians are afraid to lose their annual bribes if they talk outside of church.

The other side gives bribes too. The only difference is that Israel has a stronger lobby and a bigger pot to finance their payoffs.

This will never end until we get the money out of politics.

Protesting in a war zone of a foreign country on the side that started it and knowing how Israel is executing a genocide is a whole new level of stupid.

Shooting protesters is wrong. Even if they're protesting a genocide that you support.

I don't support any genocide. I support a cease fire/peace treaty, something you don't seem to understand or support, but narrative amirite?

I don’t support any genocide. I support a cease fire/peace treaty, something you don’t seem to understand or support, but narrative amirite?

As long as we keep selling Netanyahu weapons, he will continue committing genocide. He'll keep stringing us along by making positive cooing noises about wanting peace, and then yank the football away at the last moment.

You want to keep pursuing something that you know will never work. Netanyahu isn't interested in peace. He's interested in continuing the genocide that keeps him in power.

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Maybe stay the fuck out of the West Bank?

During the BLM protests, whenever a piece of shit would drive through a group of protesters, white nationalists would all be like "stay out of the street and you won't get hit lol."

This happened even when the protesters were crossing with the light at a crosswalk.

You remind me of them.

If the US stopped taking sides in this ass conflict, maybe the corrupt fuckers running the war from both sides would have a harder time profiting from it and knock it the fuck off.

both sides

Those greedy Palestinians, getting genocided like that. Can you believe them?

Biden will wag his finger at Bibi, and give him $1 bil less the next round of funding. Boy is that gonna sting .


As the Zionist elite are the real owners of America, I think nothing will happen.

Just say Jews. You mean Jews.

Globalists, Zionist elite, international cabal....just say Jews.

Your dog whistles are heard loud and clear on the internet these days.

We really need to Make Nazis Afraid Again

Not all Jews are Zionists as not all Zionists are Jews, there are plenty of christian nationalists who are Zionists.

Anti-zionism isn't the same as anti-Semitism.

You’re the anti-semite here, you’re the one mixing up Jews with a genocidal terrorist group.

Um, this clearly falls under the US policy regarding its citizens vis a vis 'play stupid games, win stupid prizes'.

That policy doesn't seem to apply to people living in Russia, or even travelling to North Korea.

Really? Americans have gone to Russia or NK to protest in front of their soldiers and didn't win a stupid prize?

Would you be saying the same thing if the insurrectionists were mowed down by the national guard on Jan 6?

Ashli Babbitt got what she had coming. Play stupid games win stupid prizes, right?

Or is that different somehow because she was a righty?

You idiots are going to have to FAFO the hard way. Go ahead and try again when Trump loses, we have a president that will deploy the national guard and open fire on you terrorists

edit: go ahead and censor this comment, nothing illegal is suggested. no violence is threatened on my part. I am in support of protecting our capital from terrorism

Funny that just last week an American was shot in the head, executed by Hamas, and there wasn't an Intercept article mentioning it. Maybe it's just not fashionable to be outraged about it, and it wouldn't get enough clicks.

Are you actually claiming there was no media coverage of the murdered hostages?

There is a very good argument that the role of non mainstream news sources, like the Intercept, it to shed light on the news that mainstream media doesn't raise.

If the CNN was blasting 24 hours the news about this American being shot, I'm pretty sure the Intercept would not bother either.

Just an observation on the nature of media and events. The Intercept is hardly mainstream. Instead of reporting facts it produces outrage purposed dribble, and this is a good example. In this case, those facts are not determined, and the US State Department is seeking them. That's the way CNN reported it anyway. Should this turn into an Ashli Babbitt situation, the Intercept will not report it and it will not be here because it won't suit the fashionable narrative.

On a side note, I wonder what this story has to do with US Politics. Although I do see a mod in the string who should be able to explain that, but probably won't

"Why don't you ever talk about the deaths centrists aren't happy about?!"

I would hope that if you are any kind of US citizen, you would not be happy about it either. There are forest and trees, but you only see one.

We only fund one of these warring terrorist groups. Do not see that difference?

Our taxes paid for the killing of a US citizen.

So the Intercept is triggering you with this death for a purpose of government funding, while ignoring the other? IDK which is worse and it is what I said originally. Shame these young people died, but in one case we know what happened, but in this case we don't.

so you dont see the difference between us killing one of our own and someone else doing it?

Both are dead.

We didn't kill anyone. We don't know the facts, that's why the US State Department is investigating.

US State Department is investigating waiting for idf to investigate.

It's almost been a year of Israel indiscriminately killing in the area and the state department still refuses to do an investigation. Still waiting for Israel to investigate themselves.

But yeah sure. We're totally gonna do something other than fund and supply weapons

This has nothing to do with the finding of fact as to how this woman died

In fact,it's not true. First, let's ignore the fact that this woman apparently from small arms fire which we don't supply to the Israelis. Congress wrote a bill to supply other weapons to Isreal. to Isreal. It was unable to put restrictions on sale. That left it in Biden's lap. Biden asked State to evaluate how the Israelis were using weapons as it pertains to standing US law. The result was that State could not find a legal reason not to supply.

You can have your own feelings on the matter, but not your own facts

The result was that State could not find a legal reason not to supply.

Yeah, imagine that. Someone from the Biden administration pretending not to see the obvious.

We are a nation of laws. You may not like them. You may ridicule them. But you mind them anyway. It's no different for the President unless you're Trump

You celebrate bad faith in government when it's in favor of genocide.

You're no different than Trumpers who rejoiced that the system "works" when SCOTUS overturned Roe.

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Again it's easy to continue to not do anything if you ignore all of what's going on.

You can have your own feelings on the matter, but not your own facts

Every thread is you doing this

So, there's a report from state that says Isreal is using weapons in line with US law and someone at state doesn't agree? Call it the reason for resignation? Fact is it is still a report issued to the President

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We know exactly what happened, the US is just using delay tactics. Why are you upset that people are upset about the extrajudicial killing of an American Citizen by a foreign State. The IDF has killed so many American Citizens already, on top of you know, the genocide.

American-Turkish human rights activist Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, 26, succumbed to her wounds on Friday after being shot in the head by Israeli forces during a weekly protest against settlement expansions in the West Bank, according to Palestinian Authority-run news outlet Wafa.

Ever hear of Ashli Babbitt? You don't know the circumstance , only the method.

Dude, what are you talking about. How are you comparing this situation to someone who actively took part in Jan 6th's insurrection.

We have multiple eyewitness accounts about exactly what happened

In the case of Ashli Babbitt there were multiple eye witnesses as well who said there was no reason that she was shot. In fact she and those eye witnesses were warned to go no further or they would be shot.

Ashli Babbitt and all the others on Jan 6th were trespassing, which the police officer responded to with deadly force. I still find that unjustified but that's what happened.

In this case, these were protesters, in a Palestinian town, protesting the ethnic cleansing of the town. IDF escalated by shooting people in the head.

These are not the same

Eygi had joined protesters demonstrating against the expansion of an illegal settlement outpost, Evyatar, which was built in 2013 atop Palestinian land in Jabal Sbeih, outside of Beita. Over the past several years, Palestinian residents from Beita, alongside international activists, have held regular protests at the outpost, who are often met with violent responses from the Israeli military.

“We were standing on the road, about 200 meters from the soldiers, with a sniper clearly visible on the roof,” said the volunteer, who went by the pseudonym Mariam Dag. “Our fellow volunteer [Eygi] was standing a bit further back, near an olive tree with some other activists. Despite this, the army intentionally shot her in the head.”

Point is you still don't know the circumstance of her death. You believe in those accompanying her, but you will not wait to hear from anyone else before expressing outrage.

Just the kind of reader the Intercept wants.

Not only do we know the circumstances, this kind of behavior of Israeli soldiers killing nonviolent protestors is frequent.

So the Intercept is triggering you with this death

Just ignore it if it makes Netanyahu look bad!

Bibi is an asshole

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I'm not. I'm also not cynically using it to whatabout in favor of a genocidal apartheid state like you're doing.

All of a sudden by questioning the Intercept I'm supporting some state? That line of logic just doesn't exist.

Then why whatabout?

I was making mention of publishing one story and ignoring another. The Intercept only wants to trigger you, and it looks like they were successful

You were whining that the intercept isn't running articles you would prefer to see and instead running articles you don't want anyone to ever know about.

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People expect terrorists to shoot innocent people in the head. They don't accept it when people claiming to fight terrorists shoot innocent people in the head.

BTW. What does this story have to do with US politics?

Weapons. That's the connection.

The US sends vast arsenals to Israel and Israel uses those weapons for genocide and other war crimes.

This woman was killed with small arms fire. The US does not supply such weapons or ammo to Isreal.

If you look hard enough you can always find a nit to pick.

When there are billions of dollars of heavy weapons pounding the entire area to dust, it's completely disingenuous to talk about who paid for a particular bullet or gun.

The entire operation is heavily subsidized by US military donations.

A rational person would surmise that if the weapon wasn't US supplied she would have been shot in any case and weapons supplied by the US has nothing to do with the fact this is not about US politics.

But, the outrage machine doesn't look at facts.

They simply deal with hyperbolic nonsense, like your last sentance.

A rational person would take the information in context. The shooter was not acting in isolation. The shooter was part of an organized military that is heavily subsidized by the US government.

What's hyperbolic about the last sentence? It's an easily demonstrated fact that the US sends billions of dollars in military aid to Israel. It's an easily verified fact that this is a large portion of Israel's military budget.

The Israeli military is not subsidized by the US Government. Certain of their weapons are. This includes air frames, ordinance and assembly pieces. The rest of the military cost of other weapons, wages, training and maintenance is completely paid by the Israeli government. They can not spend the US Congress allocation on anything but US goods. Isreal builds it's own small arms, tanks, rockets, etc. With their own money.

This article has nothing to US Politics.

This is just insane. No normal person would doubt that arms shipments are a military subsidy.

Reply or not. I'm blocking you.

Ask a Palestinian in the West Bank if they think Hamas are terrorists or freedom fighters.

"Terrorist" is a thought-terminating cliche.

Both Israel and Hamas are religious extremists who exploit and murder innocent civilians. Neither one is worthy of our aid or our defense. Send aid to the poor people caught in the middle of this shit and stop sending weapons.

The question isn't why Palestinians aren't reporting on Hamas killing someone, the question is why isn't the West reporting on it.

Hamas killing someone is expected behavior.

You couch this story like you know what happened. You don't

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Democrats are limp wristed when it comes to Israel. Expect more death, they won't raise a finger to stop it. Republicans aren't any better.

Both sides huh? Last I heard the Democrats are negotiating a peace treaty and the Republikkklowns are writing finish them on the bombs.

What's your angle?

Amazing how that it's already done peace deal still isn't done. Almost like dems and bibi don't care about getting it done

The US has presented 3 separate peace deals that everyone has accepted but Netanyahu has sabotaged at the last minute. That is not the fault of “the Dems”.

At the same time, Republicans have yet to do anything but cheer on the genocide in Gaza and the violence in the West Bank.

The US has presented 3 separate peace deals that everyone has accepted but Netanyahu has sabotaged at the last minute.

Because Netanyahu knows he'll keep getting his genocidin' weapons no matter what he does.

There are Republicans in Congress voting to authorize those packages, too.

And still no Republicans calling for peace or trying to get Netanyahu to accept the terms of the peace deals, nor Republicans decrying the genocide in Gaza or the West Bank…

Congratulations on having two parties that vote for the policies you support. Not getting how that is some sort of comeback to my assertion that Netanyahu is getting the weapons no matter what he does.

Ah, so now it’s my fault, too, eh? Lmao

If you want to argue against things I haven't said, I guess it's a lot easier than arguing against things I have said. I'll leave you and the straw caricature you've constructed of me to talk things out.

If you’ve suddenly been struck by amnesia, you can just scroll up and review your past comments.

You can also scroll up:

I’ll leave you and the straw caricature you’ve constructed of me to talk things out.

Yeah, I remember the part about you saying you were leaving. Apparently, you had another episode of amnesia.

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How much of that is from the 10 year weapons contract signed in 2016?

How does that exempt us from the Leahy Law?

You know the deal. You know what's happening, I asked what's your angle and you seem to refuse to answer that. I'll give you a quick ELI5, Iran will run roughshot over the middle east if there isn't someone there to keep them inline. Israel is that someone. If you don't see that, you're either wearing blinders, or you're a bad actor.

I’ll give you a quick ELI5, Iran will run roughshot over the middle east if there isn’t someone there to keep them inline. Israel is that someone.

Israel has nuclear weapons and can defend themselves just fine with the conventional weapons they already possess. They do not need our assistance in committing genocide.

I'll repeat the question you completely ignored in favor condescension and flimsy excuses for genocide:

How does that exempt us from the Leahy Law?

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Why would Israel do anything if they can keep going and have no consequences?

Notice how many othet administrations, including Republicans, have managed to reign in Israel. Yet all this one does is well let me wag my fingers harder

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I love your blaming the dems as the world sits by. It's wild how the dems are more powerful than world combined. Weird almost.

The rest of the world combined isn't funneling billions of dollars worth of weapons into the conflict.

The 10 year weapons deal signed in 2016? You do you, I'll blame Israel for the genocide and the rest of the world that isn't pushing for a peace treaty like the US currently is.

I have no idea why you keep bringing up that particular deal. It's not like it's the only or even last deal the US has signed.

The US hasn't stopped. The US went out of its way to ensureassure Israel that there wouldn't even be any delays in shipments.

The US is blatantly enabling genocide and it's currently headed by the Biden administration.

Let me get this straight. Liberals are now, unironically, using international law as a defense for being the primary arms supplier of a literal genocide. And that’s supposed to be an excuse to vote Blue MAGA.


The 10 year weapons deal signed in 2016?

The Leahy Law prohibits selling weapons for genocide. Keep ignoring this because it's something you don't want to hear and call me a foreign shill some more. Lying in support of genocide is all centrists do.

10 U.S. Code 2249 section b:

Exception.—The prohibition in subsection (a)(1) shall not apply if the Secretary of Defense, after consultation with the Secretary of State, determines that the government of such country has taken all necessary corrective steps, or if the equipment or other assistance is necessary to assist in disaster relief operations or other humanitarian or national security emergencies.

I don't have a degree in political science, and I'm not a lawyer but there's the answer to your Leahy Law, but the last three words should sum it up. It also is talking about aid and not an existing contract. The more you know right?

You keep saying I support genocide, this is false and an outright lie. I've said over and over I do not support a genocide, not the one in Israel, China, or Ukraine. You've only mentioned Israel and you blame the US. What I find the most odd is this talk has been going on for a while. "Genocide Joe" that was the talking point, all you saw, everywhere. Genocide Joe. Then, Joe Biden drops out and SILENCE. No more talk of genocide for days. Nothing. Now everyone got their bearings straight and here we are again with all the "people" talking about the US and the dems fault for the genocide.

Why was there a break when Joe Biden dropped out? A real head scratcher isn't it?

I don’t have a degree in political science, and I’m not a lawyer but there’s the answer to your Leahy Law, but the last three words should sum it up. It also is talking about aid and not an existing contract. The more you know right?

"Not enough Palestinians are dead" is not a national security emergency.

Then, Joe Biden drops out and SILENCE. No more talk of genocide for days. Nothing. Now everyone got their bearings straight and here we are again with all the “people” talking about the US and the dems fault for the genocide.

Why was there a break when Joe Biden dropped out? A real head scratcher isn’t it?

People who oppose genocide were hoping Harris was better than Biden on the issue. Did you want everyone to instantly badmouth her without knowing her positions?

Any normal human would have blocked me for calling them out, or realized they keep responding to the same person. I wonder why you haven't figured that out.

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Republicans are far, far worse... Why are you framing it this way? This is just intellectual dishonesty.

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