Israel Just Killed Another American in the West Bank. Will the U.S. Ever Respond? to politics – 24 points –
Israel Just Killed Another American in the West Bank. Will the U.S. Ever Respond?

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This has nothing to do with the finding of fact as to how this woman died

In fact,it's not true. First, let's ignore the fact that this woman apparently from small arms fire which we don't supply to the Israelis. Congress wrote a bill to supply other weapons to Isreal. to Isreal. It was unable to put restrictions on sale. That left it in Biden's lap. Biden asked State to evaluate how the Israelis were using weapons as it pertains to standing US law. The result was that State could not find a legal reason not to supply.

You can have your own feelings on the matter, but not your own facts

The result was that State could not find a legal reason not to supply.

Yeah, imagine that. Someone from the Biden administration pretending not to see the obvious.

We are a nation of laws. You may not like them. You may ridicule them. But you mind them anyway. It's no different for the President unless you're Trump

You celebrate bad faith in government when it's in favor of genocide.

You're no different than Trumpers who rejoiced that the system "works" when SCOTUS overturned Roe.

Minding laws has nothing to do with faith in anything.

Pretending to see no genocide when it's fucking obvious so you don't have to abide by the Leahy Law is absolutely bad faith, even though you clearly approve of the results.

You keep reading things into my remarks and I'll keep on correcting you.

Well, you'll pretend you weren't whatabouting.

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Again it's easy to continue to not do anything if you ignore all of what's going on.

You can have your own feelings on the matter, but not your own facts

Every thread is you doing this

So, there's a report from state that says Isreal is using weapons in line with US law and someone at state doesn't agree? Call it the reason for resignation? Fact is it is still a report issued to the President

we're a nation of laws, except when we close our eyes and put heads on the sand

When a report is issued it becomes an item that can be subject to supena. Therefore, the House could get it and use it in investigation of Biden had he not followed it

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